    Sorting Process in a Laundry Plant.
    The sorting process in a laundry plant is an essential step in ensuring that garments and textiles are properly handled and processed. This process involves the categorization and segregation of items based on various factors such as color, fabric type, and washing instructions. Here is a step-by-step explanation of the sorting process in a laundry plant:
    1. Receiving: The first step in the sorting process is receiving the laundry items from customers or collection points. The items are typically collected in large bins or hampers and brought to the sorting area.
    2. Pre-sorting: In the pre-sorting stage, the laundry items are initially separated based on their general categories, such as clothing, linens, or uniforms. This helps in streamlining the sorting process and ensures that similar items are processed together.
    3. Sorting by color: The next step is to sort the items by color. This is important to prevent color bleeding during the washing process. The items are typically sorted into light colors, dark colors, and whites. Sorting by color can be done manually or using automated sorting machines equipped with optical sensors.
    4. Sorting by fabric type: After sorting by color, the items are further sorted based on their fabric type. Different fabrics require different washing techniques and temperatures. Common fabric categories include cotton, polyester, silk, wool, and delicate fabrics. Sorting by fabric type helps in preventing damage to the garments and ensures proper washing.
    5. Checking for special instructions: Once the items are sorted by color and fabric type, they are checked for any special washing instructions. Some garments may require special care, such as hand washing or dry cleaning. These items are set aside for separate processing.
    6. Tagging and labeling: To ensure proper identification and tracking, each item is tagged or labeled with a unique identifier. This helps in keeping track of the items throughout the w
ashing and drying process and ensures they are returned to the correct owner.
    7. Packaging: After sorting and tagging, the items are packaged for further processing. This may involve placing them in laundry bags, bins, or carts for transportation to the washing machines.
    8. Quality control: Throughout the sorting process, quality control checks are conducted to ensure that the items are properly sorted and ready for washing. Any items that do not meet the quality standards are set aside for reprocessing or repair.
    9. Transport to washing machines: Once the sorting process is complete, the sorted items are transported to the appropriate washing machines for cleaning. The items are loaded into the machines based on their categories and washing requirements.
    10. Documentation: Finally, all the sorted items are documented and recorded for tracking purposes. This includes maintaining records of the items received, sorted, and processed.
    1. 接收,分拣工作的第一步是从客户或收集点接收洗涤物品。物品通常会被收集在大型容器或篮子中,并被带到分拣区域。
    2. 预分拣,在预分拣阶段,洗涤物品根据一般类别进行初步分离,例如衣物、床上用品或制服。这有助于简化分拣过程,并确保相似的物品一起处理。
    3. 按颜分拣,下一步是根据颜对物品进行分拣。这一步骤的目的是防止洗涤过程中的彩渗透。物品通常被分为浅、深和白。按颜分拣可以手动进行,也可以使用配备光学传感器的自动分拣机进行。
    4. 按织物类型分拣,在按颜分拣之后,物品根据其织物类型进一步分拣。不同的织物需要不同的洗涤技术和温度。常见的织物类别包括棉、涤纶、丝、羊毛和精细织物。按织物类型分拣有助于防止衣物损坏,并确保正确洗涤。
    5. 检查特殊说明,物品按颜和织物类型分拣后,会检查是否有任何特殊的洗涤说明。某些衣物可能需要特殊护理,例如手洗或干洗。这些物品会被单独处理。
sorting out    6. 标记和标签,为了确保正确识别和跟踪,每件物品都会标记或贴上唯一标识符。这有助于在整个洗涤和烘干过程中跟踪物品,并确保它们归还给正确的所有者。
    7. 包装,分拣和标记完成后,物品会被包装以进行进一步处理。这可能包括将它们放入洗涤袋、容器或推车中,以便运送到洗衣机。
