Considering the fast-changing world,it's great to know the possible job options in the future.The occupations below are probably some of the most promising future careers.
Personal education guide
Compared with online programs today,education could better meet individual needs,even with improved convenience.Like an adviser,a personal education guide may assist people with on-demand course selection or the planning of personalized training.
Individualized body part maker
Doctors may expect individualized organs grown or 3 D printed using their patients' own cells.After all,scientists' creation of hearts,kidneys,and livers has already had some success i
n the labs.Even external body parts including skin and ears have been grown.
Pharmaceutical artisan(制药师)
The increasing popularity of 3 D printing may enable the quick production of the medicine based on individual needs.It's possible that artisanal drugs would be created according to one's unique genes,habits,and medical history.
Brain implant specialist
We are making greater progress in understanding how the complex human brain works,so it's highly possible that we would create something amazing by combining the rapid advances in neuroscience(神经科学)with the advantages of computer technology.In the future,one can have a specialized computer chip put into his brain to treat certain health issues,such as diseases,mood disorders,and paralysis.
1.Who can help in a personalized course selection ______
A. An individualized body part maker.
B. A brain implant specialist.
C. A personal education guide.
D. A pharmaceutical artisan.
2.What do brain implant specialists mainly do ______
A. Improve human intelligence.
B. Change how the brain works.
C. Develop medicine for brain diseases.
D. Apply computer technology to brain health.
3.Which is the common feature of the four jobs ______
A. Online work.    B. Personalized service.
C. Artificial technology.    D. Medical knowledge.
In dreaming up the programme Tennis and Literacy for Youth,as a mother,I had hoped to share two of my passions,tennis and reading,with children.Throughout the year,I had advertised for participants at local elementary schools and volunteers at local high schools.With the help of kind people,I applied for money.I was even able to secure a camp site for the programme.
But on the first day of camp,in spite of my careful planning,things did not go the way I had hoped.Hector and Adrian exchanged blows with their racquets(球拍).Hector struggled to his feet moments later,covering a bloody nose with one hand.Georgie and Eduardo threw balls at each other.Then during the reading time,I raced from joyless child to demanding child,unable to convince even one to open a book.They would rather be watching Nickelodeon at home,Mylea told me,than "learning stupid tennis and reading boring books".
That evening,exhausted as I was,I called my volunteers together for a meeting,and redesigned the entire curriculum.We created a good fellow system,where each volunteer p
aired with a camper to help him or her during reading time.To emphasize praise and progress,we established weekly prize ceremonies,presenting awards for most improved reading,tennis and behavior.
In the following days,with the chaos and the schedule changes and the meetings,these children,once in bad mood during reading time,untouched books in their laps,began to find joy in reading a story and playing tennis.
One day,Mylea shut the book and asked me,"Can I take this to read it to my mom tonight" Looking up at her eager face,I couldn't help myself.I jumped to my feet and wrapped her in a hug,lifting her right off the ground. "It's all yours!" I overjoyed.
4.What can we learn from paragraph 1 ______
A. The author was a teacher of a high school.
B. Volunteers from local schools donated a lot of money.
C. Local schools invited the author to plan a reading camp.
D. The author made good preparations for the programme.
5.Which can be used to describe the first day of the camp ______
A. Successful.    B. Messy.    C. Smooth.    D. Boring.
6.How did the author adjust the programme ______
A. By replacing the books with tennis.
B. By helping and inspiring the campers.
C. By calling on the children to work hard.
D. By emphasizing the importance of reading.
7.What is the text mainly about ______
A. A proposal of being volunteers.
B. An improvement of the teaching facilities.
C. A survey on how to help kids overcome difficulties.
D. sorting outAn experience of introducing reading and tennis to kids.
