SD LO150
1. Can the availability check be carried out in another plant to the one proposed?
A: Yes, you have the option of overwriting the proposal manually in the customer sales order. As part of the availability check, you also have the option of checking in other plants.
2. How to know whether the replenishment lead-time has been taken into account during the availability check.
A: When you display the Scope of Check, if the field Check Without RLT is not selected, this means that in this case the replenishment lead-time has been taken into account.
3. When are backorders created?
3.1 When is a backorder created for an order item?
A: A backorder can be executed if an order item is backdated. An order item is backdated if the order quantity is not complete or the required delivery date has not been confirmed in tim
3.2 What are the two different types of backorders?
A: A backorder can be implemented using manual backorder processing or rescheduling.
3.3 Which field from the customer master can be used as a sorting criterion for rescheduling?
A: The delivery priority is taken from the customer master in the sales order and can be used as a sort criterion for orders during rescheduling.
4. Why is delivery scheduling carried out after the availability check, if the item cannot be confirmed for the required delivery date?
A: The availability check takes place on the material availability date. The materials are required on this date, so that there is enough time remaining for packing, loading etc. before the required delivery date. This means the material availability date must be determi
ned in the sales order before the availability check is carried out. This is determined using delivery scheduling.
5. Why is the completion of delivery scheduling a prerequisite for the availability check in the sales order?
A: If the item could not be confirmed for the required delivery date, then the system carries out delivery scheduling from the earliest possible date available (forward scheduling), in order to determine the delivery date (confirmation date).
6. What master data can be found in the order master for the indicator proposal for a complete delivery?
A: Order Header -> Versand -> Komplettlieferung
7. What is the difference between a shipment document and a transfer order?
A: The shipment document is created and used to group together several deliveries for one
sorting out
shipment to a customer. For example, for one lorry driver. The transfer request serves as a basis for picking. It is created for a delivery, to control internal material movements.
8. Name some of the differences between an inquiry and a quotation?
Inquiries are customer requests for quotations. Inquiries come from customers. Quotations are made to customers. For inquiries, the validity date is used in the system as a processing deadline for an answer to the inquiry. Quotations are legally binding during the customer validity period.
9. Does automatic pricing take place during entry of quotations or inquiries?
A: Yes, Automatic Pricing takes place (dependent on Customizing) during inquiry and quotation creation.
10. Do you have the option of carrying out the availability check in an inquiry or a quotation as you do in the sales order?
A: Yes. An availability check is carried out during inquiry and quotation entry in the same way as during sales order entry (dependent on Customizing).
11. Can you set an item in an inquiry so that it is not relevant for billing and that an item in a sales order is relevant for billing, depending on the item category?
A: Yes. Different items can be created in an order with different item categories.
12. Can you create an outbound delivery for a credit memo request?
A: No. During credit memo processing no outbound deliveries or goods movements take place.
13. Do you have to create a credit memo request or returns with reference to a sales order or a billing document?
A: No. It is also possible to create a credit memo request or a return without reference to another document.
14. Why would you create a credit memo request or returns with reference to a sales order?
A: If you refer to a sales order when creating a credit memo request or returns, the system receives all required information such as customer data, material data, quantity and prices from the original document.
