hello,my friends,
welcome to changchun, i am very glad to be your tour guide during your trip in changchun, on behalf of our travel agency and myself to show our warm welcome, i think all of changchun people will do the same, of course, if they know you are coming here.
ok, now please allow me to introduce myself, i am christle, or you can call me miss.yang.
i believe you had a good time in baicheng, the hometown of the cranes, you may be close to nature and become the friends of birds, and it is really an interesting thing for us. you know, my hometown is also baicheng, and i live nearby momoge national nature reserve, xianghai is also an interesting place ,now let me to touch some attracti
ve things about natural, cultural and historical atmosphere.
when you travel in changchun, i will try my best to make our journey go smoothly. i hope you would have a pleasant and rewarding experience here. as a chinese saying goes,"nothing is more delightful than to meet friends from afar.”and i highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
we are on the way to our hotel, the hotel is located in a convenient area, there is an airport near the hotel, and there are beautiful scenery surrounding it, and we can appreciate the scenery just in our hotel building.
my friends, you need to remember the number of our coach-jia258222, please remember, jia258222.
changchun is the provincial capital of jilin province, it is famous for its history and culture. we will visit some tourist sites: the puppet manchukuo relic, to know history and manchurian culture; changchun movie wonderland, travel in an tragic place; changchun jingyue national forest park,be close to nature easily, and so on.
now, i would like to repeat some important point, please remember our hotel namexxx, the number of the coachjia258222,jia258888,our gathering time is at 7:00 o’clock tomorrow, please do not be late, i’ll thank you very much for your support. i shall do all i can to make everything easy for you, i am sure you are gonging to enjoy your trip, and have an unforgettable experience in china.
thank for your attention!
【篇二:小学英语作文-welcome speech 欢迎词】
小学英语作文:welcome speech 欢迎词
ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to our school. im very glad to introduce our school to you.this is our teaching building, which has xis storeys. the teachers and students are working and ing there.
the three-storeyed building on the left is our library, which has more than 60,000 books. on the right there is a gymnasium and a swimming pool. we often there.
thats all about our school.
c: september in golden autumn, we are getting together, we are full of hopes.
b 感谢您,我敬爱的爷爷奶奶,我亲爱的爸爸妈妈,感谢您,可爱的叔叔阿姨,感谢你们为了我们的成长而相聚。
d: thanks for our grandparents, dear daddy, mummy, uncle and anti, thanks fou your
a b一起共谋教育良策,共铸教育辉煌。
cd: let’s seek a good way to education and create glorious education.
a 回首往昔,我们在精彩中锐意成长。
c: think of the past times, we were grown happily.
b 英语风采大赛中,我们初露锋芒!
d: in the outlook english context, we have a great harvest.
a 全国作文比赛中我们意气飞扬!
c: in the national composition contest, we float in the sky
b 奥数赛场上我们毫不怯场。
d: in the mathematical olympiad competition, we had never feel nervous.
a 我们在成长,我们在开创!脚步虽然稚嫩,但我们的斗志却昂扬!
c: we are growing, although we are young, however, we are having a stong will.
b 我们的力量虽然还很小,但爸爸妈妈,叔叔阿姨,请相信,跬步行千里,细流汇汪洋! d: dear daddy, mummy, uncle and anti please believe in us, although we are not strong, however, we are full of energy.relic
a 我们的生活丰富多彩。我们的快乐从活动中来!
c: our school life is colorful. we are happy in the activities.
b 阳光体育,体育阳光,我们的活动课让我们更加的开朗!
d: sunshine pe let us more active.
a 精彩纷呈的游戏,趣味横生的赛场。我们在游戏中学会团结,学会协作。懂得了集体的力量。
c: different kinds of games let us learn to unity.
b 过去的一年,我们到了xx最美丽的声音。
d: in the past year, we have fund the most beautiful voice in sflps.
a 过去的一年,我们到了xx最美丽的服装。
c: in the past year, we have fund the wonderful clothes in sflps.
d: we have learned how to create and find new things.
c: in our infinite creativity, we have the most keen eyes to find beauty.
b 试看今朝,新学期,新梦想。我们将用我们的成长来汇报您的殷切关怀,我们将用更大的改变来汇报您无私的爱!
d: nowadays, new term, new dream. we will grow happily in your deeply concern. we will have great well changes to return your unselfish love.
a 开学军训,让我们懂得了集体和严格要求自己,爸爸妈妈,请相信,我们已经成为勇敢的小孩!
c: the school military training let us understand the collective and strict with themselves, dear parents, please believe us we will become brave children.
b 让我们在这焕然一新的遂外开启新的航程,让我们在这生机勃勃的校园里,播种希望!  d: let’s sow hopes in our new school.
