Category I Category III Category IV Definition Validation Procedure Acceptance Criteria Verification
Target of analytical
methods Assay
Limit Tests
Dissolution Identification
Accuracy Yes Yes**No The nearness of a measured
value to the true value
Spike certain amount and calculate the
percentage recovery (3
concentrations/three replicates, minimum
9 determinations over minimum of three
concentration levels per ICH).
For Assay: 5 Conc. X 3 replicates
98% - 102%
For Impurity: 3 Conc. X 3 replicates
85% - 115%
Precision Yes Yes No Yes No Closeness of agreement
between a series
Repeatability, Intermediate precision, and
See Below for Detail Yes
Repeatability Yes Yes No Yes No Measure of the precision under
the same operationconditions
over a short interval of time
(with the same equipment)
%RSD (3 concentrations/three replicates,
validation verificationminimum 9 determinations over minimum
of three concentration levels, or minimum
of 6 determinations at 100% of the test
concentration per ICH
Assay (Category I) NMT 2%
Impurity (Category II) NMT 15% or
Based on repeatability of instruments
Intermediate Precision Yes Yes No Yes No
Measure the variation within
the same laboratory, including
Day-to-day variation, analyst
variation, and equipment
SD, %RSD, and Confidence interval
The obtained variability that is in the
same range or less than repeatability
Reproducibility Yes Yes No Yes No
Measures the precision
between laboratories (Method
transfer between laboratories)
Means of repeatability data
The means of the two laboratories
are not significant different from each
Specificity Yes Yes Yes*Yes
The ability to assess
unequivocally an analyst in the
presence of componenets
thatmay be expected to be
1. When Impurities are available:
1.1 Assay Method: Comparing test results
between Sample with Impurities and
sample without impurities.
1.2 Impurities Method: Spike drug
substance with the appropriate level of
impurities (LOQ);
2. When Impurities are not available,
demonstrated specificity by comparing
the test results of samples containing
impurities to a second well
characterized procedure or other
validated procedure, should include
samples stored under relevant stress
2.1 Assay method: The two results should
be compared;
2.2 Impurities Method: The impurity
profiles should be compared and peak
purity check (using DAD or MSD) should
be performed;
1. When Impurities are available:
1.1 Assay Method: Impurities peaks
need to be resolved from the analyte.
Impurities do not need to resolved
from each other;
1.2 Impurities Method: impurities are
determined with appropriate
accuracy, precision, and seperation
of these impurities individually;
2. When Impurities are not
2.1 Assay method: The two results
should be compared;
2.2 Impurities Method: The impurity
profiles should be compared and
peak purity check (using DAD or
MSD) should be performed to shown
that the analyte chromatographic
peak is not attributable to more than
one component
Detection Limit (LOD)No No Yes*No The lowest amount of analyte
in a sample that can be
detected, but not necessarily
quantitated, under the stated
experimental conditions.
1. For noninstrumental procedure:
generally determined by the analysis of
samples with known concentration of
2. For instrumental procedures: The
detection limit is shown to be sufficiently
low by the analysis of samples with known
concentrations of analyte above and
below the required detection level.
Usually at least 3-5 times lower than the
limit (20% to 33% of the required limit).
Prepare several (at least 5, recommend
7) samples at the LOD level and test.
1. Visual evaluation for
noninstrumental procedures and
instrumental procedures;
2. Signal-to-noise ratio of 3:1 at least;
3. LOD = 3σ/S, where σ is the
standard deviation of multiple blank
samples response and the S is the
slope of the calibration curve. Usually
the RSD of LOD level is NMT 10%
for HPLC method
Quantitation Limit
(LOQ)No Yes No*No
A characteristic of quantitative
assays for low levels of
compounds in sample
materices, such as impurities
in bulk drug substances and