注册可靠性工程师 (CRE)
The topics in this Body of Knowledge include additional detail in the form of subtext explanations and the cognitive level at which the questions will be written. This information will provide useful guidance for both the Examination Development Committee and the candidates preparing to take the exam. The subtext is not intended to limit the subject matter or be all-inclusive of what might be covered in an exam. It is intended to clarify the type of content to be included in the exam. The descriptor in parentheses at the end of each entry refers to the highest cognitive level at which the topic will be tested. A more comprehensive description of cognitive levels is provided at the end of this document.
题目或包括考试中可能涉及的一切内容。它旨在澄清考试中将包含的内容类型。在每段解释的最后,其括号中的词组提及了测试该主题所需的最高认知水平。 在本文件的最后提供了更易理解的对认识水平之描述。
I. RELIABILITY MANAGEMENT (18 Questions) 可靠性管理(18题)
A. Strategic management 战略管理
1. Benefits of reliability engineering 可靠性工程的益处
Describe how reliability engineering techniques and methods improve programs, processes, products, systems, and services. (Understand)
2. Interrelationship of safety, quality, and reliability 安全,质量及可靠性之相互关系
Define and describe the relationships among safety, reliability, and quality. (Understand)
3. Role of the reliability function in the organization组织机构中可靠性职能的任务
Describe how reliability techniques can be applied in other functional areas of the organization, such as marketing, engineering, customer /product support, safety and product liability, etc. (Apply)
4. Reliability in product and process development 产品开发及流程开发中的可靠性
Integrate reliability engineering techniques with other development activities, concurrent engineering, corporate improvement initiatives such as lean and six sigma methodologies, and emerging technologies. (Apply)
validation verification
5. Failure consequence and liability management 失效后果及责任管理
Describe the importance of these concepts in determining reliability acceptance criteria. (Understand)
6. Warranty management 保修管理
Define and describe warranty terms and conditions, including warranty period, conditions of use, failure criteria, etc., and identify the uses and limitations of warranty data. (Understand)
7. Customer needs assessment 用户需求评估
Use various feedback methods (e.g., quality function deployment (QFD), prototyping, beta testing) to determine customer needs in relation to reliability requirements for products and services. (Apply)
使用多种反馈方式(例如:质量功能展开QFD,原型机,BETA测试) 确定在产品及服务上涉及的可靠性方面的用户需求。(应用)
8. Supplier reliability 供应商可靠性
Define and describe supplier reliability assessments that can be monitored in support of the overall reliability program. (Understand)
B. Reliability program management 可靠性计划管理
1. Terminology 术语
Explain basic reliability terms (e.g., MTTF, MTBF, MTTR, availability, failure rate, reliability, maintainability). (Understand)
2. Elements of a reliability program 可靠性项目要素
Explain how planning, testing, tracking, and using customer needs and requirements are used to develop a reliability program, and identify various drivers of reliability requirements, including market expectations and standards, as well as safety, liability, and regulatory concerns. (Understand)
3. Types of risk 风险的类型
Describe the relationship between reliability and various types of risk, including technical, scheduling, safety, financial, etc. (Understand)
4. Product lifecycle engineering 产品生命周期工程
Describe the impact various lifecycle stages (concept/design, introduction, growth, maturity, decline) have on reliability, and the cost issues (product maintenance, life expectation, software defect phase containment, etc.) associated with those stages. (Understand)
5. Design evaluation 设计评价
Use validation, verification, and other review techniques to assess the reliability of a product’s design at various lifecycle stages. (Analyze)
6. Systems engineering and integration 系统工程及综合
Describe how these processes are used to create requirements and prioritize design and development activities. (Understand)
