rpki cache server 验证原理
RPKI (Resource Public Key Infrastructure) is a system used to verify the authenticity and validity of Internet routing information. RPKI cache servers play a crucial role in this process by storing and distributing the RPKI data required for validation.
The overall RPKI verification process involves a hierarchy of trust, where a top-level certificate authority (CA) signs the certificates of other CAs, and these CAs issue certificates for individual Internet resource holders (such as Internet service providers or autonomous systems). These certificates contain cryptographic keys that are used to sign Route Origin Authorizations (ROAs) that specify which autonomous systems are authorized to originate certain IP prefixes.
When a router receives a route announcement, it can use the RPKI cache server to validate the origin AS using the following steps:
1. The router extracts the IP prefix and the AS path from the received route announcement.
validation verification
2. The router checks its local cache for a valid ROA for the specific IP prefix.
3. If a valid ROA is found in the cache, the router extracts the AS numbers allowed to originate the prefix from the ROA.
4. The router then checks if the AS path in the received route matches the authorized AS numbers in the ROA.
5. If the AS path matches the authorized AS numbers, the route is considered valid and can be entered into the router's routing table.
The RPKI cache server plays a vital role in this process by providing the necessary RPKI data to the routers. The cache server regularly fetches the RPKI data from the top-level CA and caches it locally for efficient validation. It maintains a database of certificates, ROAs, and other relevant information.
The cache server also ensures the freshness and validity of the cached data by periodically fetching updates from the top-level CA. This update process, known as "delta synchronizati
on," ensures that the cache server has the latest certificates and ROAs.
Additionally, the cache server may implement various optimizations like caching negative responses (no ROA found) and filtering ROAs based on their impact on routing stability and security.
In summary, the RPKI cache server verifies the authenticity and validity of Internet routing information by caching and distributing RPKI data, performing regular updates, and enabling efficient validation of route origins based on received route announcements and ROAs.
