C a l l  f o r  P a p e r s
Informative abstracts of at least one full page can be uploaded from September°15, 2012 until December 15, 2012. If accepted, authors will be invited to prepare a full 10-15 page paper and submit it before the absolute deadline of June 15, 2013.Papers submitted in due time will be published in the conference proceedings. Commercial papers will be rejected.
EUCASS is the high-level forum for all aeronautic and space research players in Greater Europe, including Russia. It is dedicated to the promotion of enabling sciences and technologies. It is also the place where scientists can gain a comprehensive picture of European accomplishments. EUCASS is the natural venue for decision makers as well as an opportunity for young scientists to meet their peers and the industry leaders. The main objectives are:
< review the state of the art in Aeronautic and Space Sciences, focusing on advances and
< promote industrial understanding of recent scientific breakthroughs and develop synergies between Aeronautics and Space, Academia and Industry;
< offer Agencies and Industry the opportunity to present their programs, particularly EU’s Framework programs.
The conference will highlight advances in aeronautic and space sciences in five parallel symposia dealing with aspects of System Integration, Flight Physics, Flight Dynamics/ GNC and Avionics,Structures and Materials, and Propulsion Physics.
SYSTEM INTEGRATION on Aircraft and Space Launch Vehicles
Chairs: C. Bonnal (Cnes), P. Tatry (AIRBUS), W. Zinner (Astrium)
This symposium is concerned with multidisciplinary and integration problems (subjects where separate disciplines interact in synergy). Papers are solicited in the fields of:
MDO (optimization tools and strategies, sensitivity analysis, artificial intelligence), fluid-structure-GNC-thermal interaction, mission/ trajectories, advanced or new concepts, actuators,), vehicle comfort (acoustics and vibration, air-conditioning), FDIR approaches, embedded systems/ trends on Information technologies, architecture design with COTS hardware, augmented reality,energy harvesting, special sessions on on-going research program.
FLIGHT PHYSICS for Aircraft and Launch Vehicles including Re-Entry Bodies
Chairs: M. Ivanov (ITAM), D. Knight (Rutgers Univ.), I. Lipatov (TsAGI), P. Reijasse (ONERA)
The Flight Physics Symposium addresses all aspects of aerodynamics relevant to aircrafts and UAVs, missiles and projectiles, launchers, and re-entry vehicles. Aero-acoustics will be also examined for aeronautical applications with a special focus to landing and take-off flight phases of aircraft. Topics will deal both with external and internal flows since aerodynamics or aero-acoustics are the main concern of the symposium. Papers will privilege at least one of the following three approaches: physical understanding, theoretical analysis, and/ or the development of control technologies and contr
ol methodologies applied to aeronautical or aerospace flows. Prospective authors are encouraged to submit papers in the fields of:
Low and high-speed flows, unsteady aerodynamics, generation/ propagation and control of vehicle noise, boundary layer transition, flow separation, flow instability, turbulence, vortex dynamics, shock interactions, plasma flows, MHD flows, flow control by energy deposition, flow control using MEMS and nanotechnologies, fluid/ wall heat transfer, experimental diagnostics, aerodynamic measurements, advances in wind tunnel testing and ground test capabilities, in-flight/ airborne testing, innovative aerodynamic configurations, aerodynamic optimisation techniques, buffet and wing aerodynamics, advanced CFD tools, continuum methods for rarefied flows, real gas flow physics.
September 15, 2012: Website Open for Abstract Submission
December 15, 2012: Abstract Submission Deadline
March 2013: Notification of Acceptance/ Rejection of Papers
June 15, 2013: Final Manuscript Deadline
FLIGHT DYNAMICS/ GNC and AVIONICS for Aeronautic and Space Applications Chairs: G. Balas (Univ. of Minnesota), D. Choukroun (TU Delft), J. Corbin (TU Delft), V. Kutahov (Rostechnology), A. Nebylov (SUAI), C. Philippe (ESA), C. Vallet (Astrium)
This symposium will cover the applications of novel analytical and experimental methods for the analysis and the prediction of the flight dynamics of civil and military airplanes, drones, launch vehicles and spacecraft as well as on-board electronics and avionics. Papers are solicited in the fields of:
Control, mission analysis, flight management, guidance, navigation, multi-sensor data fusion, image processing, on-board decision and autonomy, verification and validation technology, highly innovative technologies and state-of-the-art research in energy storage, power distribution, sensors, radiation-hard electronics, wireless and power line communications, embedded software, methods and tools such as model-based system engineering, data coding and modulations, fault tolerance, avionics architectures such as embedded computing platforms, communication and telemetry data networks, thermal management, power control, centralized versus distributed systems.
STRUCTURES AND MATERIALS for Aeronautic and Space Systems
Chairs: M. Berdoyes (Herakles Safran), C. Dalle Donne (EADS IW), J.P. Grisval (ONERA), T. Khan (ONERA), W. Luber (TU München), Y. Nozhnitsky (CIAM)
The structures and materials symposium covers profound improvements introduced in aerospace structures and engines through innovative materials, processing technologies, structural design and analysis. Massive introduction of fiber-reinforced organic composites has become a reality and the introduction of other composites is progressing in the engines. Papers are solicited in the fields of: Materials and technologies (metallic and composite), structural design including design principles, manufacturing and assembly of composite and metallic structures as well as structural dynamic/ static analysis, fatigue and fracture, vibro-acoustics, impact and shock response, aero-elastic design and testing methodologies under both static and dynamic loading, health monitoring via electronic signature, acoustic, shock and vibration absorbers.
PROPULSION PHYSICS for Air-Breathing and Rocket Engines
Chairs: L. De Luca (Politecnico di Milano), S. Frolov (RAS), O. Haidn (TU München)
validation verification
The Propulsion Physics Symposium will cover all aspects of air-breathing and space propulsion, spanning from new developments in engines and propellants to modeling and testing. Topics range from basic research and development to applied studies, using experimental, theoretical and/ or advanced numerical methods, with a special focus on fundamental physical understanding. Papers are solicited in the fields of:  Air-breathing propulsion (alternative fuels, supersonic/ hypersonic aircraft propulsion, scramjet/multi- mode ramjet, modified and combined cycles, pulsed detonation engines, propulsion system aspects), Launch Vehicle Propulsion (solid, liquid, gaseous, gel, and hybrid propellants), in-space propulsion (chemical, electric and nuclear engines; solar radiation; beamed energy; micro-propulsion; propellant-less techniques; on-board power), propulsion aspects of space debris, propellant injection and ignition, combustion fundamentals, combustion stability, combustion modeling, heat transfer and cooling technologies for propulsion devices, thrust nozzles, turbo-machines for air-breathing and rocket engine. Specific sessions may be dedicated to on-going activities in the framework of the current FP7 research programs.
Persons willing to organize a mini symposium or a workshop dedicated to special topics (e.g. Clean Air, Space Debris, Combustion Instability, UAV, Supersonic Civil Aircraft, Generic Manufacturing, Rene
wable Fuels etc.) are invited to contact the concerned Symposium Chair.
Technical Committee
Chair:Max Calabro (max.calabro@innerarch.eu)
Official Language
All papers must be submitted and presented in English, the official language of the conference. Technical Tours
Technical tours will be organized to visit the major R&D centers and aerospace industries of the region.
The tours will take place on Friday, July 5, 2013.
Specialty for Students
Students will profit from a reduced registration fee.
Conference Site
Holiday Inn Munich - City Centre
Hochstrasse 3
81669 München
The conference site is conveniently located near the city centre and “Englischer Garten” and can be reached directly from the airport or central station by public transport.
Exhibition/ Sponsoring
EUCASS 2013 will offer a limited space for exhibitions which provides an excellent opportunity to demonstrate expertise, products and services to a targeted group of researchers, scientists, engineers
and senior managers.
Customized Sponsorship packages will be available to allow for brand positioning throughout the event. Organization
The conference is being organized jointly by the Technische Universität München and Astrium, Germany. For more detail, and to keep up with developments and conference preparation, please consult websites www.eucass.eu and www.eucass2013.de.
Conference Secretariat Coordinates
For further information, local organization, booth reservation, etc. please contact info@eucass2013.de or directly Oskar Haidn (haidn@tum.de) and Walter Zinner (walter.zinner@astrium.eads).
Haidn    Walter
Technische Universität München Astrium GmbH – Space Transportation
Lehrstuhl für Flugantriebe Head of Corporate R&T Affairs
Garching    81663
Germany Germany
Published by EUCASS, TUM Technische Universität München, 2012
Logos, trademarks etc. belong to their respected owners. The header utilizes work by Diego Delso, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.
September 15, 2012: Website Open for Abstract Submission
December 15, 2012: Abstract Submission Deadline
March 2013: Notification of Acceptance/ Rejection of Papers June 15, 2013: Final Manuscript Deadline
