    To implement an online programming exercise using Vue, we can follow these steps:
    1. Set up the Vue project: First, we need to create a new Vue project using the Vue CLI or any other preferred method. This will generate the basic structure and files for our application.
    2. Create a component for the exercise: Next, we can create a new Vue component that will represent the programming exercise. This component will contain the necessary HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code for the exercise.
    3. Use data binding to display the exercise prompt: Inside the component, we can use Vue's data binding feature to display the exercise prompt. We can define a data property that holds the prompt text and bind it to the appropriate HTML element using the double curly braces syntax.
    4. Implement the code editor: To allow users to write and test their code, we can integrate a code editor into our Vue component. There are several popular code editor libraries available for Vue, such as CodeMirror or Monaco Editor. We can choose one and configure it to meet our requirements.
    5. Handle user input and code execution: Once the code editor is set up, we need to handle user input and execute the code. We can listen for events triggered by the code editor, such as when the user submits their code or clicks a "Run" button. In the event handler, we can retrieve the user's code, process it, and execute it using a JavaScript interpreter or a sandboxed environment.
    6. Display the output: After executing the code, we can display the output to the user. We can create another data property in our component to hold the output text and bind it to a separate HTML element.
    7. Add validation and feedback: To provide a better learning experience, we can add validation logic to check the user's code for correctness. For example, if the exercise requir
es the user to write a function that calculates the factorial of a number, we can check if the user's code produces the correct output for various test cases. We can then provide feedback to the user, such as displaying a success message or highlighting the incorrect parts of their code.
    8. Style and polish the interface: Finally, we can add CSS styles and make any necessary adjustments to the interface to make it visually appealing and user-friendly. We can also consider adding additional features, such as syntax highlighting or autocomplete, to enhance the user experience.
    1. 设置Vue项目,首先,我们需要使用Vue CLI或其他首选方法创建一个新的Vue项目。这将为我们的应用程序生成基本的结构和文件。
    2. 创建题目组件,接下来,我们可以创建一个新的Vue组件,用于表示编程题目。这个组
    3. 使用数据绑定显示题目提示,在组件内部,我们可以使用Vue的数据绑定功能来显示题目提示。我们可以定义一个数据属性来保存提示文本,并使用双花括号语法将其绑定到适当的HTML元素上。
    4. 实现代码编辑器,为了让用户编写和测试代码,我们可以将代码编辑器集成到Vue组件中。Vue有几个流行的代码编辑器库可供选择,如CodeMirror或Monaco Editor。我们可以选择一个并进行配置,以满足我们的需求。
    5. 处理用户输入和代码执行,一旦代码编辑器设置好了,我们就需要处理用户输入并执行代码。我们可以监听代码编辑器触发的事件,例如用户提交代码或点击“运行”按钮。在事件处理程序中,我们可以获取用户的代码,处理它,并使用JavaScript解释器或沙盒环境来执行它。
    6. 显示输出结果,在执行代码之后,我们可以将输出结果显示给用户。我们可以在组件中创建另一个数据属性来保存输出文本,并将其绑定到一个单独的HTML元素上。
    7. 添加验证和反馈,为了提供更好的学习体验,我们可以添加验证逻辑来检查用户的代码是否正确。例如,如果题目要求用户编写一个计算一个数的阶乘的函数,我们可以检查用户的代码是否对各种测试用例产生了正确的输出。然后,我们可以向用户提供反馈,例如显示成功消息或突出显示他们代码中的错误部分。
    8. 设计和优化界面,最后,我们可以添加CSS样式,并对界面进行任何必要的调整,使其在视觉上更具吸引力和用户友好性。我们还可以考虑添加其他功能,如语法高亮或自动完成,以增强用户体验。
