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The advancement of human civilization is possible just because of enormous contribution made by scientists. They are one of the most influential people of today’s world. Here is a list of the four great scientists we’ve ever seen who changed the world.
Louis Pasteur (1822—1895)
Pasteur contributed greatly towards the advancement of medical sciences, developing cures for rabies (狂犬病), anthrax and other infectious diseases. He also invented the process of pasteurization (加热杀菌法) to make milk safer to drink. He probably saved more lives than any other person.
Otto Hahn (1879—1968)
Hahn was a German chemist who discovered nuclear fission (裂变) in 1939. He was a pioneering scientist in the field of radio-chemistry, and discovered radioactive elements in1921. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1944.
Nikola Tesla (1856—1943)
Tesla worked on electromagnetism and AC current. He obtained around 300 patents worldwide for his inventions from electricity to radio transmission, but many inventions developed by Tesla were not put into patent protection. He played a key role in the development of modern electricity.
James Clerk Maxwell (1831—1879)
Maxwell made great progress in understanding electro-magnetism. His research in electricity and kinetics laid the foundation for quantum (量子) physics. Einstein said, “The work of James Clerk Maxwell changed the world forever.”
1.What contribution did Louis Pasteur make to society?
A.The development of medicine.    B.Radio-chemistry.
C.Modern electricity.    D.Quantum physics.
2.Who was spoken highly of by Einstein?
A.Louis Pasteur.    B.James Clerk Maxwel1.
C.Nikola Testa.    D.Otto Hahn.
3.What can we infer about the four people?
A.They are medical pioneers.
B.They are Nobel Prize winners.
C.They are great contributors to society.
D.They are founders of modern physics.
John and Mary had a nice home and two lovely children. John had just been asked to go on a business trip to another city for several days and Mary would go with him too. They hired a reliable woman to care for their children and returned home a little earlier than they had planned.
As they drove into their hometown, they found a home on fire. After having a look, Mary said, “Oh well, it isn’t our fire. Let’s go home.” But John drove closer and said, “That home belongs to Fred Jones who wouldn’t be off work yet. Maybe there is something we could do.”
John noticed an old lady screamed to him, “A children! Get the children!” John grabbed (抓住) her by the shoulder saying, “Get a hold of yourself and tell us where the children are!” “In the basement,” cried the lady.
In spite of Mary’s disagreement, John soaked (浸湿) his clothes and ran to the basement which was full of smoke. He found the door and grabbed two children. As he left he could hear some more cry. He sent the two badly frightened children into the waiting room and as
ked how many more children were down there. The told him two more and Mary grabbed his arm and screamed, “John! Don’t go back! It’s dangerous! That house will fall down in any second!”
But he shook her off and went back. It seemed a very long time before he found both children and started back. As he climbed up the endless steps the thought went through his mind that there was something strangely familiar about the little bodies next to him, and at last when they came out into the sunlight and fresh air, he found that he had just rescued his own children. The baby-sitter had left them at this home while she did some shopping.
4.The old lady screamed to John to .
A.ask him to get away from the fire
B.ask for his help to save the children
C.ask him to rescue her from the fire
D.ask him to take out valuable things from the fire
5.What was Mary’s response to John’s action?
A.She disagreed with it.    B.She supported it
C.She was unconcerned about it.    D.She misunderstood it.
6.What was the house like before John went back once again?
A.It was clean.    B.It was burned down.
C.It was dangerous.    D.It was under repair.
7.Which of the following can be concluded from the story?
A.Two heads are better than one.
B.Where there is a will, there is a way.
C.Helping others means helping ourselves.
D.God helps those who help themselves.
New emojis (表情符号) appear every year. The updates come from a California-based nonprofit called Unicode Consortium. Each year, the emoji committee releases new emojis that will update the existing keyboard.
