new password翻译中文
new password翻译中文:新口令,新密码,新的密码
You need to set a new password.
The new password must be at least eight characters.
1.    刚出现的;新的;新近推出的not existing before; recently made, invented, introduced, etc.
2.    新买的recently bought
3.    没被用过的;未曾被人占有过的;崭新的not used or owned by anyone before
4.    有别于从前的;新颖的different from the previous one
5.    刚体验到的;初见的;不熟悉的already existing but not seen, experienced, etc. before; not familiar
6.    ~ (to sth)初来乍到的;初学乍练的;新鲜的not yet familiar with sth because you have only just started, arrived, etc.
7.    (用于构成复合词)新的,新近的used in compounds to describe sth that has recently happened
8.    现代的;最新型的modern; of the latest type
9.    [ubn]刚开始的;初始的;重新开始的just beginning or beginning again
10.    富有朝气的;生气勃勃的having fresh energy, courage or health
html代码翻译中文11.    新近产生的;新开发的;时鲜的only recently produced or developed
新东西;新事物something that is new
1.    暗语;暗号;口令a secret word or phrase that you need to know in order to be allowed into a place
2.    口令(字);密码a series of letters or numbers that you must type into a computer or computer system in order to be able to use it
