Unit 9 have you ever been to a museum?
一:现在完成时(二)现在完成时表示经历的用法现在完成时常用have been to,ever,never等表示经历。   
1.have/has been to  表示去过某地,可以与never,ever,just,once等连用如:Mr.Smith has ever been to China three times.
2.ever用于现在完成时的一般疑问句中,放在过去分词之前主语之后如:Have you ever visited the Palace Museum?
3.never表否定用在助动词have/has后,过去分词前,否定回答也可用neither。Eg:I have never been to Wuli--Me neither.
二:have/has been to与have/has gone to的用法区别
have been to意为“曾经去过某地”,后可接次数,如once/twice/three times等,表示“去过某地几次”,也可和just/never/ever等连用。
如:My father has been to Beijing twice.我父亲去过北京两次。  I have never been to the Great Wall.我从未去过长城。
have gone to意为“到某地去了”,说话时该人不在现场,一般不用第一人称、第二人称代词作句子的主语。如: 
—Where is Jim?—He has gone to England.—他去英国了。(尚未回来)  Mr Wang isn't hereHe has gone to Qingdao.
he went to Ankang last week(一般过去时) 上周他(做了一件事,那就是)去了安康
He has been to Ankang(现在完成时) 他去了安康 他曾经到过安康(他现在回来了,人不在安康了)
He has gone to Ankang(现在完成时) 他去了安康(也许刚出发,也许已经在安康,反正人现在不在这里)
He has been in Ankang for years(现在完成时) 他呆在安康已经十年了(现在还在安康呆着呢)
1.Me neither. Let’s go to one tomorrow. neither用作副词, 意为“也不”, 常用于句首, 如Me neither(=Neither have I),
表示前面否定的内容也适合于另一个人或物。置于句首时, 主语要放在助动词、系动词或情态动词之后。如:
Wesley hasn’t finished her homework yet.   —Me neither / Neither have I. 我也没完成。
【拓展】neither用法小结作副词, 用于短语“neither. . . nor. ”, 连接并列成分, “既不...somewhere也不...”, 当连接并列主语时使用就近原则。
    Neither I nor my mother likes (like) red.我和妈妈都不喜欢红。
2.Let's go somewhere different today.我们今天去某个不同的地方吧。
(1)“让我们...”是的缩写,向别人提出建议,后跟shall we?做反义疑问句,答语用“That a good idea. / Good idea./OK
(2)somewhere different “某个不同的地方”。somewhere作副词,“在某处,在某地”,用于肯定句中,在否定/疑问句中用anywhere 。注:形容词修饰somewhere,anything,nowhere等时,形容词应置其后。
He just lives somewhere in the city.   I'm going to move somewhere interesting. 
3.We put up a tent and cooked outside. put up意为“搭起;建造”,“动词+副词”型短语。名词作宾语时,可放在动副词之间或副词后面;代词作宾语时,只能置于动副词之间。They put up a tent / put a tent up by the fire. 他们在火堆旁搭起了一个帐篷。
4.For thousands of tourists from China, this small island in Southeast Asia is a wonderful and safe place to take a holiday.
(1)thousands of “数以千计的;许许多多的”,后接可数名词复数,表示不具体的数目。类似有:hundreds of “数以百计的”;millions of  “数以百万计的”;billions of “数以十亿计的”。
如:Thousands of middle school students want to work as a teacher in the future.
(2)safe形容词,“安全的;无危险的”,其反义词dangerous 意为“危险的”。如:You should go to a safe place.
5.On the one hand, more than three quarters of the population On the other hand, Singapore is an
on the the “一方面...另一方面...”。该短语一般用于提出两个相反的事物或看法。如:
On the one hand this activity makes people happy.On the other hand people have to afford too much money while doing it.
6.Whether you like Indian food, Western food, or Japanese food, you’ll find it all in Singapore!
Whether it is cloudy or rainy tomorrow,I'll go camping. 不管明天是阴天还是下雨天,我都要去野营。
7.It's unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a rapid way! 科技进步得如此之快,真是令人难以置信!
(1)该句为“It is +形容词+that+主语从句”结构,it 为形式主语。如:It's a pity that he didn't come.很遗憾他没来
(2)unbelievable“难以置信的”,是由否定前缀un-加believable构成的形容词。如:It is unbelievable that how stupid he is.
(3)progress作不及物动词,意为“进步;进展”。如: We are progressing in knowledge.我们的知识正在增长。
8.You can take a ride on the boat for several days and eat and sleep on it. 你可以坐船巡游几天,也可以在船上睡觉、吃饭。
on board意为“在船 / 飞机上”.也可作“上船/飞机”。如:The train didn’t start until we came on board.  等我们上来后火车才开动。
on the board 意为“在木板上”。如:Put the bread on the board before cutting it. 在切面包前先将其放在木板上。
随堂练:选用have, has填空:
1. I _____ told him the news. 2.She ______ come back from school. 3.You ______ won the game.  4.Tom _________(be) to China twice.
5.They have bought a computer. (改成否定句)___________________________________
6. He has lost his book. (改成一般疑问句,再肯定与否定回答)___________________________________________________________
  1.He has studied English for 4 years.(改为一般疑问句) _______ he _______ English for 4 years?   
  2.My parents have been to America. (对画线部分提问) _____ _____ _____ parents _____?
  3.Lucy has traveled to another province. (改为否定句)  Lucy ___________________ to another province.
  4.He borrowed the book two weeks ago. (改为同义句)  He has _____ the book ____ two weeks.
  5.I have been here for three months. (改为同义句)    I have been here ____ three months _____.
6.My parents have come back already.    (改为否定句)  My parents _______ ______ back ____.
