发文单位: 财政部
发文文号: 财金便函【2007】201号
法规类别: 利用外资类 -->> 全部
地区: 全国
颁布日期: 2007-08-27
生效日期: 2007-08-27
合格来源国(Eligible Source Countries),是指丹麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、冰岛、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、挪威和瑞典(Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania,Norway and Sweden)等八个北投成员国。
合格投标商(Eligible Bidders),是指在合格来源国境内注册,并在招标项目有关领域具有
国际商务和/或生产实际经验的法人(all legal entities registered within the territories of NIB’s member countries and have tangible international commercial and/or manufacturing experience in the field of the tendered project)。
(一)招标文件中首次提及北投时应使用全称,即“北欧投资银行”(Nordic Investment Bank);
(二)财政部与北投所签贷款协议的英文正确表述为:“the Loan Agreement between Ministry of Finance of P.R.China and Nordic Investment Bank”。招标文件提及贷款协议时,不应使用“国家与国家”(state to state)或“混合贷款”(Mixed Credit)等不适用于北投贷款的字样;
为加强对北投贷款项目招标采购过程的监督,自即日起,对尚未发出招标邀请的项目,采购公司应要求投标商在投标时,必须出具关于遵守北投贷款合格供货比例要求的承诺函(Letter of Representation)(格式见附件)。北投将根据具体情况,对项目招标文件、评标报告及商务合同等进行审核后,决定是否提供贷款。
bank文件 二○○七年八月二十七日
To:Nordic Investment Bank
Letter Of Representation
We refer to the Invitation for Bid (Bid No< >) in respect Of the<>Project.The invitation stipulates that,in order to qualify for financing from Nordic investment Bank(NIB),the supply of the commodities and works to be delivered fort he Project shall be of at least 70% origin from any of NIB's member countries (Iceland,Denmark,Norway,Sweden,Finland,Estonia, Latvia or Lithuania).
In order to meet the aforesaid requirement,we here by represent that a substantial part of the supplies and services to be delivered by us pursuant to our bid for bid for the Project have their origin One or several of NIB's member countries as follows:
< description of,where the supplies will be manufactured and/or assembled,where the bidder is registered,where the bidder is operating from where services and maintenance will be carried out,other circumstances pointed out by the bidder to show the origin of the supplies and services to be delivered >
The above description is true and correct.We are aware that financing from NIB will not be available unless a substantial part of the content of the bid originates from any of NIB's member countries and we have no objection to NIB verifying the facts and circumstances of our bid in such mariner as NIB shall decide.Further,we are aware that the final decision as to whether the origin requirement is fulfilled shall be taken by NIB in its sole discretion.
This Letter Of Representation shall be governed by Swedish law.In the event of a dispute in connection here with which cannot be resolved amicably,we hereby submit to arbitration in Stockholm under the Rules of Arbitration of the Arbitration institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce.
Yours sincerely,
< >
< Authorised signatory >