(2023春·北京海淀·高二统考期末)Digital Medicine
Could the next suggestion from your doctor be downloading an app? Collectively known as digital medicine, a large number of apps in use or under development can now detect or monitor mental and physical disorders or directly administer therapies. 1
Many detection aids rely on mobile devices to record such features as users’ voices, locations, facial expressions, exercise and sleep; then they apply artificial intelligence to mark the possible change of a condition. Some smart watches, for instance, contain a sensor that automatically detects and warns people of a dangerous heart rate. 2 These wearable detection aids will not replace a doctor any time soon but can be helpful partners in stressing concerns that need follow-up. 3 Some are being developed to detect things such as cancer
ous DNA, stomach bleeds, body temperature and oxygen levels. The sensors inside your body can then send the data to apps for recording.
4 For the most part, those intended to diagnose or treat disorders must be proved safe and effective in clinical trials and earn regulatory approval; some may need a doctor’s permission.
Clearly, society must move into the future of digital medicine with care — ensuring that the apps go through strict testing, protect privacy and go smoothly into doctors’ work. With such protections in place, healthcare costs could be saved by marking unhealthy behaviours and helping people to make changes before diseases set in. 5 For researchers, the patterns that emerge will provide them with novel ideas for how best to build healthier habits and prevent diseases.
A.For doctors, applying AI to the data from these apps could help them personalize patient care.
B.These data also help doctors detect diseases and help patients change their behaviors.
C.Other similar tools can detect breathing disorders, depression and other conditions.
D.They can both help diagnose symptoms and enhance traditional medical care.
E.Detection aids can also take the form of eatable and sensor-bearing pills.
F.Digital medicine has been widely used in all aspects of life nowadays.
G.Not all healthcare apps can be used as digital medicine.
(2023春·北京东城·高二统考期末)Do you feel like you can remember things better when you actively engage with the information and create your own version of it? 6 This phenomenon has important implications when it comes to understanding how people learn.
Tests on the generation effect show that when users encounter a list of words presented in the form of fragments (片段), they will engage several areas of the brain to create words to fill in the blanks. 7 Researchers believe this is because of the deeper level of cognitive (认知的) engagement involved in the process of creating new words.
Teachers and instructors need to be aware of the role the generation effect can play in the classroom. Students who just receive written material they can read may not understand it as fully as students who engage with it by taking notes, completing writing exercises, and so forth. 8 Rather than giving students a list of correctly spelled words and asking them to memorize it, the teacher can ask students to complete worksheets where they must fill in blanks to spell the words.
9 If a student simply reads a textbook, he/she will not absorb the information as well as when he/she takes notes and recreates charts and other materials presented in the book. Students preparing for an examination may find it helpful to write out material from the text, rephrasing in their own words as appropriate to make sure they fully understand the material. 10
In a word, it all boils down to active learning versus passive learning. Spending a few minutes actively producing content may just be the thing you were missing in your learning routine.
A.That’s called the Generation Effect.
B.For students, the generation effect can also be important.
C.When they are asked to repeat the list later, their recall will be better.tickle
D.A common example of the generation effect can be seen in spelling lessons for young students.
E.The simple act of writing can trigger(激发) the generation effect and help the students perform better on examinations.
F.They will find that actively using new information may create relationships between tasks in examinations.
G.The process of generating content may initiate some particular encoding (编码) processes that do not happen when simply reading.