black and blue 身体上的伤痕(类似青一块,紫一块)
in black and white 黑白分明,白纸黑字 see everything in black and white 看事情黑白分明
a black day for somebody 倒霉的一天
blacken someone's character say or do something that will harm other's reputation
the black market 黑市
a black spot 事故多发地带
not as black as somebody is painted 不像别人说的那么不好
look black hopeless in the future;to be angry He looked black at his enemy.
black in the face 非常生气
in someone's black book/blacklist 在某人的黑名单里
know black from white 明辨是非
a bolt from the blue(指蓝天) 晴天霹雳,突如其来的打击
between the devil and the deep blue sea 左右为难
the boys in blue 警察
feel blue 沮丧 give somebody the blues 让某人沮丧
once in a blue moon 千载难逢
scream blue/bloody murder 大声喊叫
blue-eyed boy 受宠的人(红人)
blue ribbon prize 一等奖(一等奖会用蓝的带子包扎)
out of the blue 没有预料到
as brown as a berry 皮肤黝黑
browned (someone)off 感到厌烦,生气,不满
in a brown study 深思;空想
a grey area 两个极端之间的中间地带
grey matter 大脑,智力
men in grey suits 幕后掌权者
go grey 头发变白
give somebody the green light 允许干某事
green with envy 嫉妒
green fingers 精通园艺
green about the gills/pale around the gills 晕船
a golden key can open any door 有钱能使鬼推磨
kill the goose that lays the golden egg 杀鸡取卵
pot calling the kettle black 五十步笑百步
pale by comparison 相形见绌
beyond the pale 出格,不被人接受
as pale as a ghost 脸惨白
in the pink of condition 身体/精神状况很好
tickle someone pink 让人非常开心
seeing pink elephants 醉酒出现幻觉
plink slip 解雇通知书
tickleas red as a beetroot 因愤怒、窘迫而脸红
in the red 赤字
not have a red cent 身无分文
roll out the red carpet for someone 隆重欢迎
red in tooth and claw 残酷无情
a red rag to a bull 激怒他人的事物
red tape 繁文缛节
see red 勃然大怒
paint the town red 狂欢痛饮
red letter day 值得纪念的一天
every cloud has a silver lining 黑暗中总有一丝光明
a silver tongue 三寸不烂之舌
a white elephant 昂贵却没用的事物
a white lie 善意的谎言
whiter than white 人品德高尚
a yellow steak 胆小怯弱
lend color to something 使某物具有可信度
see the color of sb's money 确定某人有支付能力
true colors 真面目
off color 身体欠佳;低级下流
nai your colors to the mast 表明自己的立场