I'm going to talk about the weakness of the eldest brother, who is afraid of being tickled. This weakness has caused him a lot of trouble and has been used against him by his enemies. Whenever someone tries to tickle him, he becomes extremely uncomfortable and loses his focus. This weakness has been exploited by the enemies of the eldest brother in many situations.
For example, during a battle with the evil monsters, the eldest brother was easily defeated when one of the monsters tickled him. He couldn't concentrate on his fighting skills and was left vulnerable to attacks. This weakness not only affected him physically but also mentally, as it made him doubt his own abilities.
Another instance where his weakness was used against him was during a negotiation with a rival group. The rival leader discovered the eldest brother's fear of being tickled and
used it as a tactic to distract him. While the eldest brother was trying to make a point, the rival leader subtly tickled him, causing him to lose his train of thought and ultimately fail in the negotiation. This weakness not only made him look foolish but also weakened his position in the eyes of his allies.
tickle 另一个例子是在与竞争对手团体的谈判中,对方的领导发现了大娃怕痒的弱点,并将其作为一种策略来分散他的注意力。当大娃试图表达自己的观点时,对方领导悄悄地挠他痒,导