tickle    My paradise is located by a small stream in front of my house. It is a place where I find solace and peace amidst the bustling city life. The gentle sound of water flowing and the soothing breeze create a tranquil atmosphere that helps me relax and unwind.
    The small stream is surrounded by lush greenery, with trees and flowers in full bloom. The vibrant colors and sweet scent of the flowers add to the beauty of the place. Sitting by the stream, I can hear the chirping of birds and the buzzing of bees, creating a symphony of nature's sounds.
    The water in the stream is crystal clear, reflecting the sunlight and creating a mesmerizing sight. It is home to various aquatic creatures, such as fish and frogs, which add life to the stream. Sometimes, I dip my feet in the cool water and feel the gentle tickle of the fish swimming around.
    The stream also serves as a playground for my imagination. I often sit by its banks, lost in my own thoughts, and let my creativity flow. The peaceful surroundings inspire me to write poetry or paint beautiful landscapes.
