While sleeping, you suddenly hear shouts of "fire" and smell smoke through the door. You wake up puzzled. What should you do now?
    You may f____1____ the door first and then decide where to go.
    If the door is very hot, it means fire is close to you. T____2____ windows. If the building is tall, stand by the window. Wave things with bright colours and shout 1____3____ to get help. If the building isn't tall, get down with a "rope" made by bed clothing. Remember to t____4____ one end of the "rope" to something strong.
    If the door isn't hot, run out of it. Don't use the elevator, use the stairs. Cover your nose with a wet cloth and your body with wet clothing. Bend (弯腰) down to move forward to keep smoke out of your nose. Smoke always stays in the upper a____5____.
    When you get to a s____6____ place, call 119 at once. Remember, don't get frightened. Tell the fire f____7____ where the fire is and what is on fire.
    A man from Minnesota, US, coughed up a nail (钉子) that lived inside his body for 35 years. Bud Harts, 84, had been feeling a tickle (痒) in his throat for a while. One morning while brushing his t____1____, he felt like coughing and coughed up a rusty (生锈的) nail.
    The story began in 1970 when Hart was mowing () his grass and the nail a____2____ pierced his throat and 1____3____ in his rib cage (胸腔). When he went to the hospital with a high fever as a result of the nail, the doctor saw the nail on X-ray. The doctor thought that Hart would c____4____ the nail with him to the grave --- but time p____5____ him wrong.
    An X-ray in January showed the one-inch long nail was m____6____. The nail was in Hart's lungs and not in his rib cage as he' d always thought.
    The doctor then decided that it was t____7____ to remove it, but the stubborn (顽固的) nail surrendered (投降) before being forced to get out.
    You are doing homework and waiting for your parents to come back. The doorbell rings. You stand up and look through the keyhole. Two strangers! And the bell goes on ringing. Should you open the door at once?
    Instead of opening the door i____1____, you should ask who' s there with the door locked. If it's a stranger, say, "Come back later." Don't tell him or her that your parents are away. Say Mum's in the s____2____ or Dad's taking a nap. To ignore (忽视) the doorbell is not a good idea. Sometimes bad guys ring doorbells to see if anyone's at home.
    In fact, there're many things that you should w____3____ for when you're alone at home.
    Keep the door locked when you're alone.
    Keep handy (唾手可得的) a list of phone numbers to call for help — 110, the p____4____ department, or a nearby friend.
    Be careful with e____5____ appliances and gas. If you don' t knowhow to use them, as
k your parents. Make a safety c____6____ before going to bed.
    Never go a____7____ with someone you don't know; no matter how nice the person seems.
    In the time it takes you to read this sentence, the population of the earth will have grown by 10%. That may not s____1____ much, but it is 9,000 people an hour, 1.5 million a week, and 79 million a year. That is the same as adding most of the population of Germany to the world every year!
    Most of these new people are born in developing countries. These countries are found in A____2____, South America and part of Asia. In the developed countries of E____3____ and North America, the population is growing very slowly. This is because women in these countries have, on a____4____, only one or two children. In 1950 the population of developed countries is around one quarter of the world's population.
    In developing countries, more than one billion people already live b____5____ the poverty (贫困) line. These people don't have enough food to eat and they live in poor housing, and children get little or no time at school. The UN has said that the world's population will level off &) at 12. 5 billion people by the year 2100. Other groups think the world's population will c____6____ to grow, reaching 14 billion people before it becomes stable (稳定的) or even f____7____.
    Liz Robinson felt excited when she and her brother, Give, climbed into the small fishing boat. It was their first fishing trip alone, without their father. Clive was almost fifteen now, and a____1____ their parents had told them not to go into the sea alone, Clive considered himself r____2____ enough to look after his young sister. The trip went well, but as they were heading back to the h____3____, the wind started blowing and a huge w____4____ overturned the little boat.
    "I was frightened. I was in the water and I couldn’t see Clive a____5____. Then, I saw hi
m next to the boat. He was holding on t____6____. I swam towards him and he grabbed (抓住) my hand," said Liz.
    Another boat saw the two children and stopped to help them. They were cold and w____7____, but they were found quickly. Luckily they had been wearing life jackets.
