* Flag to indicate that the external properties should override system properties.
* Default true.
private boolean overrideSystemProperties = true;
* Flag to indicate that {@link #isSystemPropertiesOverride()
* systemPropertiesOverride} can be used. Set to false to prevent users from changing
* the default accidentally. Default true.
private boolean allowOverride = true;
springcloud和springboot* Flag to indicate that when {@link #setAllowOverride(boolean) allowOverride} is
* true, external properties should take lowest priority, and not override any
* existing property sources (including local config files). Default false.
private boolean overrideNone = false;
我们先不管Spring Cloud Config,就单单SpringBoot的变量覆盖根据官⽹的说法是以下的顺序(从上往下覆盖,也就是说最后的优先级是最低的)。
Spring Boot uses a very particular PropertySource order that is designed to allow sensible overriding of values. Properties are considered in the following order:
Devtools global settings properties on your home directory (~/.spring-boot-devtools.properties when devtools is active).
@TestPropertySource annotations on your tests.
@SpringBootTest#properties annotation attribute on your tests.
Command line arguments.
Properties from SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON (inline JSON embedded in an environment variable or system property)
ServletConfig init parameters.
ServletContext init parameters.
JNDI attributes from java:comp/env.
Java System properties (Properties()).
OS environment variables.
A RandomValuePropertySource that only has properties in random.*.
Profile-specific application properties outside of your packaged jar (application-{profile}.properties and YAML variants)
Profile-specific application properties packaged inside your jar (application-{profile}.properties and YAML variants)
Application properties outside of your packaged jar (application.properties and YAML variants).
Application properties packaged inside your jar (application.properties and YAML variants).
@PropertySource annotations on your @Configuration classes.
Default properties (specified using SpringApplication.setDefaultProperties).
很清晰了吧,但如果⾛Spring Cloud Config这⼀套,如果你想本地提供⼀些参数覆盖远程配置⽂件的属性,在没有远程配置⽂件的允许下,是⽆法覆盖的。
java -jar -Dserver.port=6666 myapp.jar
接下来看⼀下最重要的那个参数,即overrideNone,这个值依赖于上⾯所说的那个allowOverride等于true的情况下才有⽤,意思很清楚,注释说的很明⽩,即:如果为ture,外部拓展属性⽂件不会覆盖任何已经存在的值。已存在的值是指,⾮系统环境变量(如果你将overrideSystemProperties设置为false除外)。但如果如此⼀来,我们通过命令⾏指定的参数 --=value,就不会被覆盖掉了。
最后千万千万注意的是,上⾯这三个属性存在于外部拓展时才会⽣效,如果你说为什么没有效果啊,请考虑为Spring Cloud Config当中存储的配置⽂件上加上上⾯所说的那些选项。
这⾥作者说了:“ an app can't decide on its own that it can override configuration from the remote source”,即应⽤程序不能够⾃⼰决定是否能够覆盖,⽽是要在远程的配置⽂件中指明!