Oracle 操作语句大全
1。desc(描述) emp 描述emp这张表 2.desc dept 部门表 3.desc salgrade 薪水等级 4。select *from table 查表中的元素 5.dual 是系统中的一张空表 6。select *from dual sysdate from dual 取出系统时间 8。select ename,sal*12 "annul sal”(取的别名) from emp; 查用户姓名和用户的年薪 9。任何含有空值的数学表达式的值都是空值 select ename,sal*12+comm from emp; ename||sal from emp 其中的||相当于将sal全部转化为字符串 11.表示字符串的方法 select ename ||’ajjf’ from emp; 12.如果其中有一个单引号就用2个单引号来代替他 select ename||'sakj’ 'lds'from emp; 13。select distinct deptno from emp (去除部门字段中重复的部分,关键字distinct) 14。select distinct deptno,job from emp;(去除这2个字段中重复的组合) *from dept where deptno=10; 取出条件(取出部门编号为10的记录) 16。select * from emp where ename='CLIRK'; 取出部门中姓名为clirk的记录(注意取出过程中ename用单引号隔开) 17。select ename,sal from emp where sal>1500; 取出部门中薪水大于1500的人的姓名 18。select ename,sal,deptno from emp where deptno<〉 10 取出部门中的部门号不等于10的 ename,sal,deptno from emp where ename>’CBA' 取出部门中员工名字大于CBA的员工(实际比较的是ACIIS码) 20。select ename,sal from emp where sal between 800 and 1500 select ename,sal from emp where sal〉=800 and sal<=1500; (取出800和1500之间的数) ename,sal,comm from emp where comm is null (选出其中的空值) select enmae,sal,comm from emp where comm is not null(选出其中的非空值) ename,sal,comm from emp where sal in (800,1500,2000);取出这3者之中的 select ename,sal,comm from emp where ename in(’simth'); 23。select ename,sal,hiredate from emp where hiredata>'3-04月-81’;宣传符合条件的日期 ename,sal,from emp where sal〉1000 or deptno=10; 出工资薪水大于1000或者部门号等于10的员工 25。select ename,sal from emp where sal not in(500,1000); 查薪水不在500到1000的员工姓名和月薪 ename,sal from emp where ename like ’%ALL%’; select ename,sal from emp where ename like ’_%A%'; 查姓名中含有ALL的客户信息,一个横线代表一个通配符 27。select ename,sal from emp where ename like '_%$%%’ escape '$’; 自己指定转易字符 select ename,sal from emp where ename like ’_%\%%'; 查中间含有%相匹配的客户信息,运用转易字符 * from dept order by deptno 对表中元素按部门号排序 select *from dept order by deptno desc 默认为升序,可以用desc按降序 ename,sal from emp where sal <〉1000 order by sal desc 按照查询条件来查询,并排序(asc升序排列) ename,sal*12 from emp where ename not like ’_%A%' and sal>800 order by sal desc 31。select lower(ename) from emp 将ename都转化为小写 lower是函数能将字母转化为小写 32。select ename from emp where lower(ename) like ’_%a%’; 出ename 中所有的含有a的字符 substr(ename,2,3) form emp 从第2个字符开始截取3个字符 chr(65) from dual; 将65转化为字符 35。select ascii('A’) from dual 将ACSII码转化为字符串 36。select round(23。565)from dual 四舍五入 round(23,4565,2)from dual 四舍五入到第二位 37。select to_char(sal,'$99。999.9999’) from emp 按指定格式输出 select to_char(sal,’L99,999,9999’) form emp L代表本地字符 38。select hiredate from emp select to_char(hiredate,'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS) from emp; 时间格式的显示 select to_char(sysdate,’YYYY-MM—DD HH:MI:ss) from dual; 十二小时制显示系统时间 select to_char(sysdate,’YYYY—MM-DD HH24:MI:SS) from dual 二四小时制显示系统时间 39。select ename,hiredate from emp where hiredate 〉 to_date('2005-2—3 12:32:23','YYYY—MM-DD HH:MI:SS'); 40 select sal from emp where sal〉to_number(’$1,250.00’,’$9,999.99’); 取出比它大的一切字符串(把特定格式的数字转化成字符) 41 select ename,sal+nvl(comm,0) from emp; 讲comm值为空的用0来替换,单行函数(以一条记录为条件)一条对一条 42。select Max(sal) from emp; select Min(sal) from emp; select avg(sal) from emp; select sum(sal) from emp; select count(*) from emp; 查看表中一共有多少条记录 select count(*) from emp where deptno=10; 查部门10一共有多少人; 43。select avg(sal),deptno from emp group by deptno; 按部门号进行分组 select deptno,job,max(sal) from emp group by job,deptno; 按工作和部门号进行分组; 44。select ename from emp where sal=(select max(sal) from emp); 子查询,查部门中薪水最高的员工姓名 by 注意:出现在select列表中的字段,如果没有出现在组函数中必须出现在group by子句中 avg(sal),deptno from emp group by deptno having avg(sal)>2000; 选出部门中平均薪水大于2000的部门, * from emp where sal〉100 group by deptno having ...。。.。。。。order by。。.。。.。. 先取数据--过滤数据———--—分组-———对分组限制-—----—排序 48。select avg(sal) from emp where sal>2000 group by deptno having avg(sal)>1500 order by avg(sal) desc; 查部门中平均薪水打印2000的员工并按部门号进行排序,查询分组后的平均薪水必须大于1500,查询结果按平均薪水从低到高排列 ename from emp where sal〉(select avg(sal) from emp); 查出员工中薪水位于部门平均薪水之上的所有员工 ename,sal from emp join(select max(sal) max_sal from emp group by deptno) t on(emp.sal=t,max_sal and emp.deptno=t.deptno); 查每个部门中薪水最高的 51。select e1。ename,e2。ename from emp e1,emp e2 where e1。pno; 表的自连接 dname,ename from emp cross join dept 交叉连接,笛卡尔 SQL99中的新语法 ename,dname from emp join dept on(emp.deptno=dept.deptno); ename,dname from emp join dept using(deptno); 查emp和dept表中deptno相同的部分。 ename,dname,grade from emp e join dept d on(e.deptno=d。depno) join salgrade s(e。sal between s.losal and s.hisal) (三表查) where ename not like '_%A%'; 56。select e1。ename,e2.ename from emp e1 join emp e2 on(e1。mgr=e2。deptno); 表的自连接 57。select e1。ename,e2。ename from emp e1 left join emp e2 on(e1。mgr=e2.deptno) 左外表连接 select ename,dname from emp e right join dept d on(e.deptno=d。deptno)右外连接 select ename,dname from emp e full join dept d on(e.deptno=d.deptno)全连接 58。求部门中薪水最高的 select ename,sal from emp join (select max(sal) max_sal, deptno from emp group by deptno) t on (emp.sal=t。max_sal and emp。deptno=t.deptno); 59.求部门中薪水等级的平均值 select deptno,avg(grade) from(select deptno,ename,grade,from emp join salgrade s on(emp.sal between s。losal and s。hisal))t group by deptno; 60。查雇员中哪些是经理人 select ename from emp where empno in(select mgr from emp); 61。select distinct e1.sal from emp e1 join emp e2 on(e1.sal〈e2。sal); 自连接(不用组函数求出最高薪水) select distinct sal from emp where not in (select ename from e1。sal from emp e1 join emp e2 on(e1。sal〈e2。sal)); deptno from (select avg(sal) max_sal deptno from emp group by deptno) where max_sal=(select max(avg_sal) from (select avg(sal) avg_sal deptno from emp group by deptno)); 查部门中部门薪水最大的部门号 63。求平均薪水最大的部门的部门编号 select deptno,avg_sal from(select avg(sal) avg_sal,deptno from emp group by deptno)where avg_sal=(select max(avg(sal)) from emp group by deptno); DML语句:更、删、改、查 创建权限, conn sys/admin as sysdba grant create table,create view to scott; 首先在C:下面建个文件夹备份文件 1。createNewUser方法 1.—-backup scott exp 2.create user(创建用户)用超级管理员模式进入 create user yun identified by kang1234 default tablespace users quota 10M on users; grant create session,create table,create view to kafei(给kafei这个用户授予权限) 3.import the data(导入备份数据) imp 2。insert insert into dept values (50,'game','bj’) 插入一条记录 insert into dept2 (deptno,dname) values (78,’games’); 插入指定的几条记录 insert into dept2 select *from dept 插入指定的表(表结构要一样) rollback; 回退 create table emp2 as select * from emp; 创建数据库表2来备份emp这张表 3.update emp2 set sal=sal*12 where deptno=10; update的用法 4.delete from dept2 where deptno〈25 ; 删除语句的用法 DDL语言 1.创建表:create table t(a varchar2(10)); 2.drop table t 删除表 3。commit 所有的提交,所有修改都结束了.对于rollback无效,一个事务开始于第1条DML语句 碰到执行DDL DCL语句事务自动提交 对于rollback无效 建表语句 建学生信息表: create table stu (id number(6), name varchar2(20) constraint stu_name_nn not null, sex number(1), age number(3), sdate date, grade number(2) default 1, class number(4), email varchar2(50) unique (唯一约束) ); 非空 唯一 主键 外键 chick create table stu (id number(6) primary key,(主键约束) name varchar2(20) constraint stu_name_nn not null,(非空约束) sex number(1), age number(3), sdate date, grade number(2) default 1, class number(4), email varchar2(50), constraint stu_name_uui unique(email,name) 组合性约束 ); 主键约束方法二 create table stu (id number(6), name varchar2(20) constraint stu_name_nn not null,(非空约束) sex number(1), age number(3), sdate date, grade number(2) default 1, class number(4) references class(id),(参考class 这张表,参考字段) email varchar2(50), constraint stu_id_pk primary key(id), constraint stu_name_uui unique(email,name) 组合性约束 ); 外键约束 create table class (id number(4) primary key,(id为被参考字段,被参考的字段必须是主键) name varchar2(20) not null ) create table stu ( id number(6), name varchar2(20) constraint stu_name_nn not null,(非空约束) sex number(1), age number(3), sdate date, grade number(2) default 1, class number(4) email varchar2(50), constraint stu_class_fk foreign key(class) references class(id), constraint stu_id_pk primary key(id), constraint stu_name_uui unique(email,name) 组合性约束 ); 像外键中插入关键字, 1.insert into class values(1000,'c1'); 2.insert into stu(id,name,class,email) values(1,'a',1000,’a’); 3.alter table stu add(addr varchar(20));添加表的结构 4.alter table stu drop(addr); 删除表结构 5。alter table stu modify(addr varchar2(150));修改精度 6.alter table stu drop constraint stu_class_fk; 删除约束条件 7.alter table stu add constraint stu_class_fk forengn key(class) references class(id),添加约束条件 查当前用户下有哪些表和哪些视图及哪些约束 table_name from user_names 9。select view_name from view_names 10。select constraint_name,table_name from user_constraints; desc dictionary数据字典表 desc user_tables当前用户下面有多少张表 select table_name from user_tables; 查当前用户有多少张表 索引: 创建索引 create index idx_stu_email on stu(email); drop index idx_stu_email; 查索引 select index_name from user_indexes; 索引读的速度快了,插入速度变慢 view 视图 视图赠加了维护的量 序列: create table arcticle (id number, title varchar2(1024), cont long ); 序列的创建sequence产生独一无二的序列,而且是oracle独有的 create sequence seq; select seq。nextval from dual; 查序列号 insert into arcticle values(seq。nextval,'a’,'b');往表中插入序列 数据库设计的3范式 第一范式: 设计任何表都要有主键,列不可分 第二范式: 如果有2个主键的话,不能存在部分依赖 第三范式, 不能存在传递依赖 PL—sql 例子1: SQL〉 set serveroutput on; SQL> begin(必要的-—程序开始执行) 2 dbms_output.put_line('hello world’); 3 end;(结束) 4 / 例子2: SQL> declare 2 v_name varchar2(20); 3 begin 4 v_name:=’myname’; 5 dbms_output。put_line(v_name); 6 end; 7 / myname 例子3: SQL〉 declare 2 v_num number:=0; 3 begin 4 v_num:=2/v_num; 5 dbms_output。put_line(v_num); 6 end; 7 / declare * ERROR 位于第 1 行: ORA-01476: 除数为 0 ORA—06512: 在line 4 例子4: declare v_num number:=0; begin v_num:=2/v_num; dbms_output。put_line(v_num); exception when others then dbms_output。put_line('error’); end; / 变量声明的规则 1.变量名不能够使用保留字,如from,select等 2.第一字符必须是字母。 3。变量名最多包含30个字符 4.不要与数据库的表或者列同名 5。每一行只能声明一个变量 常用变量类型 1。 binary_interger,整数,主要用来计数,而不是用来表示字段类型 2. number 数字类型 3. char 定长字符串 4。 varchar2 变长字符串 5。 date 日期 6。long 长字符串,最长2GB 7。boolean 布尔类型,可以取true false 和null的值 例5: declare v_temp number(1); v_count binary_integer:=0; v_sal number(7,2):=4000.00; v_date date:=sysdate; v_pi constant number(3,2):=3。14; v_valid boolean:=false; v_name varchar2(20) not null:='myname'; begin dbms_output.put_line('v_temp value:’||v_temp); end; 用-—可以注释一行 例6: declare v_empno number(4); v_pno%type; v_empno3 v_empno2%type; begin dbms_output.put_line(’test’); end; 例7 table变量类型 set serveroutput on; declare type type_table_emp_empno is table pno%type index by binary_integer; v_empnos type_table_emp_empno; begin v_empnos(0):=7369; v_empnos(2):=7869; v_empnos(—1):=9999; dbms_output.put_line(v_empnos(—1)); end; 例8 Record 变量类型 set serveroutput on; declare type type_record_dept is record ( deptno dept。deptno%type, dname dept。dname%type, loc dept.loc%type ); v_temp type_record_dept; begin v_temp。deptno:=50; v_temp.loc:='aaaa’; v_temp。loc:=’bj'; dbms_output.put_line(v_temp。deptno||' '||v_temp.dname); end; 例9: 使用%rowtype声明record变量(表结构的变化同时也能代理储存过程的变化) set serveroutput on; declare v_temp dept%rowtype; begin v_temp。deptno:=50; v_temp。loc:='aaaa'; v_temp.loc:=’bj'; dbms_output。put_line(v_temp。deptno||' ’||v_temp.dname); end; 例10; declare v_ame%type; v_sal emp.sal%type; begin select ename,sal into v_name,v_sal from emp where empno=7369;(将ename和sal的值放在v_name和v_sal里面) 例11: declare v_name emp。ename%type; v_sal emp.sal%type; begin select ename,sal into v_name,v_sal from emp where empno=7369; dbms_output。put_line(v_name||' ’||v_sal); end; dbms_output。put_line(v_name||' ’||v_sal); end; 例12: declare v_deptno dept.deptno%type:=50; v_dname dept.dname%type:=’aaaa’; v_loc dept.loc%type:='bj'; begin insert into dept2 values(v_deptno,v_dname,v_loc); commit; end; 例13: declare v_deptno emp2。deptno%type:=50; v_count number; begin update emp2 set sal=sal/2 where deptno=v_deptno; dbms_output.put_line(sql%rowcount ||'条记录被影响’);(sql为关键字,代表上一条语句 commit; end; / 例14: declare v_deptno emp2。deptno%type:=50; v_count number; begin —-update emp2 set sal=sal/2 where deptno=v_deptno; select deptno into v_deptno from emp2 where empno=7369; dbms_output。put_line(sql%rowcount ||’条记录被影响');(sql为关键字,代表上一条语句 commit; end; /sql约束条件大于0 例15 declare v_deptno emp2。deptno%type:=50; v_count number; begin --update emp2 set sal=sal/2 where deptno=v_deptno; —-select deptno into v_deptno from emp2 where empno=7369; select count(*) into v_count from emp2; (select必须和into一起使用) dbms_output.put_line(sql%rowcount ||’条记录被影响'); commit; end; / PL/SQL里面执行DDL语句 begin execute immediate ’create table T(nnn varchar2(20) default ''aaa'’)’; end; PL/SQL的分支语句: declare v_sal emp.sal%type; begin select sal into v_sal from emp where empno=7369; if(v_sal〈1200) then dbms_output.put_line(’low'); elsif(v_sal<2000) then dbms_output.put_line('middle’); else dbms_output。put_line('high'); end if; end; pL/Sql循环 declare i binary_integer:=1; begin loop dbms_output.put_line(i); i:=i+1; exit when(i〉=11); end loop; end; PL/SQL for循环 begin for k in 1。。10 loop dbms_output.put_line(k); end loop; for k in reverse 1.。10 loop dbms_output.put_line(k); end loop; end; exception 捕获异常 declare v_temp number(4); begin select empno into v_temp from emp where deptno=10; exception when too_many_rows then dbms_output。put_line('太多记录了’); when others then dbms_output.put_line(’error'); end; 没有数据错误 declare v_temp number(4); begin select empno into v_temp from emp where deptno=2222; exception when no_data_found then dbms_output。put_line(’没数据’); when others then dbms_output。put_line(’error’); end; / 错误处理 create table errorlog ( id number primary key, errcode number, errmsg varchar2(1024), errdate date ); create sequence seq_errorlog_id start with 1 increment by 1; declare v_deptno dept。deptno%type:=10; v_errcode number; v_errmsg varchar2(1024); begin delete from dept where deptno=v_deptno; exception when others then rollback; v_errcode:=SQLCODE; v_errmsg:=SQLERRN; insert into errorlog values(seq_errorlog_id。nextval,v_errcode,v_errmsg,sysdate); commit; end; 游标 declare cursor c is select * from emp; v_emp c%rowtype; begin open c; fetch c into v_emp; ——(取游标的第一个值插入v_emp,在不断的循环) dbms_output.put_line(v_emp。ename); close c; end; 例子 declare cursor c is select * from emp; v_emp c%rowtype; begin open c; loop fetch c into v_emp; exit when(c%notfound); dbms_output.put_line(v_emp。ename); end loop; close c; end; declare cursor c is select * from emp; v_emp c%rowtype; begin open c; fetch c into v_emp; while(c%found) loop dbms_output.put_line(v_emp。ename); fetch c into v_emp; end loop; close c; end; declare cursor c is select * from emp; begin for v_emp in c loop dbms_output。put_line(v_emp。ename); end loop; end; 带参数的游标 declare cursor c(v_deptno emp。deptno%type,v_job emp.job%type) is select ename,sal from emp where deptno=v_deptno and job=v_job; begin for v_temp in c(30,'chick') loop dbms_output.put_line(v_temp。ename); end loop; end; 可更新的游标 存储过程 create or replace procedure p is cursor c is select * from emp2 for update; begin for v_emp in c loop if (v_emp。deptno=10) then update emp2 set sal=sal+10 where current of c; elsif(v_emp。deptno=20) then update emp2 set sal=sal+20 where current of c; else update emp2 set sal=sal+50 where current of c; end if; end loop; commit; end; exec p执行存储过程 begin p: end; 带参数的存储过程 create or replace procedure p (v_a in number,v_b number,v_ret out number, v_temp in out number) is begin if(v_a〉v_b) then v_ret:=v_a; else v_ret:=v_b; end if; v_temp:=v_temp+1; end; 调用存储过程 declare v_a number:=3; v_b number:=4; v_ret number; v_temp number:=5; begin p(v_a,v_b,v_ret,v_temp); dbms_output.put_line(v_ret); dbms_output。put_line(v_temp); end; show error返回错误信息 删除存储过程 存储过程中的函数 create or replace function sal_tax (v_sal number) return number is begin if(v_sal〈2000) then return 0.10; elsif(v_sal〈2750) then return 0。5; else return 0。20; end if; end; / 触发器 create or replace trigger trig after update on dept for each row begin update emp set deptno=:NEW.deptno where deptno=:OLD。deptno; end; / |