Homophones Same pronunciation different meaning
同音字 相同的发音,不同的含义
Homophones are words that have a different spelling, different meaning but the same pronunciation.
For example: 例如:
I went to the sea to see my friend.
The words sea and see have the same pronunciation but different meanings and spellings.
sea 和 see 这两个词的发音相同,但含义和拼写不同。
Homophone Examples 同音字示例
Buy/By 购买/通过
Buy her a present for her birthday.
She lives by a park.
Hole/Whole 孔/整体
There's a hole in my trousers.
I read the whole book in one day.
Write/Right 写入/正确
Write your name on top of the test paper.
I couldn't remember the right answer.
Note on Homonyms 关于同音异义词的说明
Homonyms are words that have the same spelling and pronunciation but may have different meanings. For example, book and show are homonyms.
同音异义词是具有相同拼写和发音但可能具有不同含义的单词。例如,book 和 show 是同音
I am reading a good book at the moment.
We should book our train tickets before the price goes up.
Show John where the bathroom is.
Did you enjoy the magic show?
Take a look at these sentences and choose the correct missing word. All of the missing words are homophones.
1) Would you like a ___ of cake?
1) 你想要一个___蛋糕吗?
piece 块
peace 和平
2) I've never met a ___ actor before.
real 真正
reel 卷轴
3) This is ___ difficult for me.
4) He's not ing because he's feeling ___.
weak 弱
week 周
5) It is so heavy because it is made of ___.
steal 偷
steel 钢
6) The boat will ___ across the ocean.
sail 帆
sale 销售
7) The wall is too ___. Let's paint it.
plain 平原
plane 飞机
8) Can you ___ me a cup of coffee?
8) 你能___给我一杯咖啡吗?
pour 倒
poor 穷
9) Abdul ___ firstprize in the writing petition.
9) Abdul ___ 写作比赛一等奖。
10) Can you ___ me or should I speak up?
10) 你能___我还是我应该说出来?
hear 听见
here 这里
accessary, accessory
ad, add
ail, ale
air, heir
aisle, I'll, isle
all, awl
allowed, aloud
alms, arms
altar, alter
arc, ark
aren't, aunt
ate, eight
auger, augur
auk, orc
aural, oral
away, aweigh
awe, oar, or, ore
axel, axle
aye, eye, I
bail, bale
bait, bate
baize, bays
bald, bawled
ball, bawl
band, banned
bard, barred
bare, bear
scullbark, barque
baron, barren
base, bass
bay, bey
bazaar, bizarre
be, bee
beach, beech
bean, been
beat, beet
beau, bow
beer, bier
bel, bell, belle
berry, bury
berth, birth
bight, bite, byte
billed, build
bitten, bittern
blew, blue
bloc, block
boar, bore
board, bored
boarder, border
bold, bowled
boos, booze
born, borne
bough, bow
boy, buoy
brae, bray
braid, brayed
braise, brays, braze
brake, break
bread, bred
brews, bruise
bridal, bridle
broach, brooch
bur, burr
but, butt
buy, by, bye
buyer, byre
calendar, calender
call, caul
canvas, canvass
cast, caste
caster, castor
caught, court
caw, core, corps
cede, seed
ceiling, sealing
cell, sell
censer, censor, sensor
cent, scent, sent
cereal, serial
cheap, cheep
check, cheque
choir, quire
chord, cord
cite, sight, site
clack, claque
clew, clue
climb, clime
close, cloze
coal, kohl
coarse, course
coign, coin
colonel, kernel
placent, plaisant
plement, pliment
coo, coup
cops, copse
council, counsel
cousin, cozen
creak, creek
crews, cruise
cue, kyu, queue
curb, kerb
currant, current
cymbol, symbol
dam, damn
days, daze
dear, deer
descent, dissent
desert, dessert
deviser, divisor
dew, due
die, dye
discreet, discrete
doe, doh, dough
done, dun
douse, dowse
draft, draught
dual, duel
earn, urn
eery, eyrie
ewe, yew, you
faint, feint
fah, far
fair, fare
farther, father
fate, fête
faun, fawn
fay, fey
faze, phase
feat, feet
ferrule, ferule
few, phew
fie, phi
file, phial