golden notebook经典语录
1.Dialogue And Cognition:"Free Women" And The Imbedded Notebooks In The Golden Notebook《金笔记》中《自由女性》与笔记之间的对话与认知
2.Feminist Interpretation Of Doris Lessing S The Golden Notebook;多丽丝·莱辛《金笔记》的女权主义解读
3.On Feminine Consciousness In Doris Lessing S The Golden Notebook;论多丽丝·莱辛《金笔记》中的女权主义
4.Cubism In The Novel Form Of The Golden Notebook;《金笔记》小说形式中的立体主义
5.The Golden Notebook: Exploration Of Liberated Women;《金笔记》:自由女性的探索文本
6.The Ultimate Goal Predicted In The Golden Notebook;两性和谐:《金笔记》所预言的终极世界
doris7.Comment On The Researches Of Doris Lessing S The Golden Notebook;多丽丝·莱辛《金笔记》研究述评
8.The Golden Notebook And Lessing S Feminist Ideas;《金笔记》与莱辛的女权主义思想
9.Readers’Active Construction And Understanding Of The Golden Notebook;读者的积极建构与《金笔记》的解读
10.On The Irony In Doris Lessing's The Golden Notebook论多丽丝·莱辛《金笔记》中的反讽
11.Narrative Structure Of Multi—Dimensional Non—Linear Arrangement Of The Golden Notebook《金笔记》多维非线性布局的叙事结构
12.An Analysis Of The Contradictory Females'Sexual Ethical Concept In The Golden Notebook试析《金笔记》中矛盾的女性性伦理观
13.Reading Suicide——An Analysis Of The Death Motif In The Golden Notebook解读自杀——《金笔记》中的死亡
14.On The Feminism Of Doris Lessing's The Golden Notebook论多丽丝·莱辛《金笔记》中的女性主义
15.15.The Process Of The Heroine S Disillusionment Of Writing In The Golden Notebook;浅析《金笔记》中女主人公写作理想的破灭过程。
