Unit test
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Part I: Vocabu laryand Struct ure
Sectio n A: Comple te each senten ce usingthe correc t word or expres sion
from the box.
∙excite ment
∙additi onal
∙outloo k
∙divers ion
∙leisur e
∙peculi ar
∙intera ction
∙inhere nt
∙excess ive
1. For me, televi sionis just a(n) , but some people consid er it a full-time
activi ty.
Your answer Correc t answer
divers ion divers ion
2. Snorke lingand scubadiving are greatpastim es, but they also have risks
that make them danger ous.
Your answer Correc t answer
inhere nt inhere nt
,I thinkI'll need a(n) room for all of my hobbie s.
3. When I move to a new house
Your answer Correc t answer
additi onaladditi onal
s e he apprec iates the with other4. John playsteam sports in his free time becau
Your answer Correc t answer
intera ction intera ction
5. My curren t job involv es a lot of labor, so I'd prefer that my next job be
at a desk.
Your answer Correc t answer
manual manual
6. Any hobbycan take over your life if you spenda(n) amount of time doing
Your answer Correc t answer
excess ive excess ive
7. I have to writean essayaboutwhat I like to do in my time.
Your answer Correc t answer
leisur e leisur e
8. The for the sports indust ry looksgreat; more and more people are trying
to stay health y throug h sports.
Your answer Correc t answer
outloo k outloo k
9. Most people don't see much in stampcollec ting, but I really enjoyit.
Your answer Correc t answer
excite mentexcite ment
10. My friend s all thinkmagicis a(n) hobby, but I find it intere sting and it
makesme happy.
Your answer Correc t answer
excess ive peculi ar
Sectio n B: Choose the best way to comple te the senten ces.
11. My little sister has an _______ spirit—she likesto explor e everyp laceshe goes
A. advent urous
B. advant ageou s
C. advent ure
D. advant age
12. Clivewouldoftenget into troubl e becaus e he _______ expres sed his though ts an
opinio ns.
A. swiftl y
B. franti cally
C. badly
D. perfec tly
13. For many people, learni ng to speakChines e is a _______ effort becaus e it is s
diffic ult.
A. futile
B. reward ing
C. peculi ar
D. worthw hile
14. The _______ of the largetree from our backya rd freedup spacewherewe couldpl
footba ll.
A. remove
B. remova l
C. removi ng
D. remove s
15. Don't _______ me! Of course I know how to play chess!
A. insult
B. rude
C. offens e
D. abuse
16. Enjoya ble activi tiessuch as painti ng, photog raphy, and lightexerci se help old
people mainta in a _______ on the real world.
A. grips
B. grippi ng
C. grippe r
D. grip
17. Comple tingcrossw ord puzzle s usuall y _______ me sincemany of the wordsare so uncomm o
A. aggrav ate
B. aggrav ates
C. aggrav ating
D. aggrav ation
18. Some games, like chess, have an _______ set of rules, whileothers are relati ve
A. excell ent
B. expens ive
C. exact
D. extens ive
19. Many youngpeople practi cally live in the _______ worldof videogames.
A. genuin e
B. virtua l
C. true
D. false
20. By defini tion, a hobbyis someth ing you do for fun and for whichdon't receiv e a
A. excite ment
B. leisur e
C. compen satio n
D. gratif icati on
Sectio n C: Comple te each senten ce with a suitab le word.
21. Please sit and watchthis shortfilm before the meetin g.
Your answer Correc t answer
down down
22. Stephe n has takenan intere st poetry, so I bought him a book of famous poems.
Your answer Correc t answer
in in
23. When she got older, Sallytook photog raphy as a full-time hobby.
Your answer Correc t answer
up up
24. Once I catchhold an idea, I have to follow throug h untilit's comple te.
Your answer Correc t answer
of of
25. Not many painti ngs are worthy the word master piece, but the Louvre Museum
in Parisis full of painti ngs that are!
Your answer Correc t answer
of of
26. As the younge r genera tion, I thinkthey're more intere stedin videogames
than books.
Your answer Correc t answer
for for
27. A painte r must have everycolorof painthand and availa ble at all times.
Your answer Correc t answer
at at
28. Afterreadin g that book, Charli e foundit diffic ult to move and read more
aboutthe same subjec t.
Your answer Correc t answer
on on
29. When the weeken d comesaround, I'm usuall y so tiredfrom the week that I just
want to sleep.
dorisYour answer Correc t answer
out out
30. She just got back school, so she hasn't had time to finish her homewo rk yet.
Your answer Correc t answer
to from
Part II: Banked Cloze
Questi ons 31 to 40 are basedon the follow ing passag e.
Dorisspends almost all of her free time in her backya rd garden. Her hobbyis (31) becaus e Dorisloves
workin g with the earthand making things grow. Many people thinkgarden ing is (32) becaus e it takesso much time and you can easily buy fruits and vegeta blesat the store.I suppos e this pointof view is (33), but Dorisgets frustr atedwith such ideas.She (34)in her garden becaus e she apprec iates the feelin g of creati ng life, not becaus e she can't afford tomato es and pepper s at the market.
Dorisknowsthat most people don't have the patien ce or (35) for garden ing. She unders tands that it takesa lot of hard work to see result s, so she doesn't hold a (36) agains t people who thinkgarden ing is a wasteof time. To Doris, garden ing is like an (37). Just like painti ng a beauti ful pictur e, growin g vegeta bleswell requir es a lot of experi ence, skill, patien ce, and (38).
Yester day, Dorisspenta perfec t aftern oon outsid e, beneat h the sun, and crouch ed in the dirt of her garden. She wore her (39)design ed T-shirtthat says "Doris:Master Garden er," and she harves ted a basket full of beauti ful fruits and vegeta bles. Why wouldanyone choose a differ ent (40) to fill the days?
Your answer Correc t answer
(31) garden ing garden ing
(32) Pointl ess Pointl ess
(33) unders tanda ble unders tanda ble
(34) toilstoils
(35) attent ion span attent ion span
(36) grudge grudge
(37) cultiv ation art form
(38) dedica tiondedica tion
(39) pastim e specia lly
(40) Art form Pastim e
Part III: Readin g Compre hensi on
Questi ons 41 to 45 are basedon the follow ing passag e.