When Work Gets on Your Nerves
It’s called the ocupational hazad of the 90s because it's been linked to the use of a keyboard. But your odds of encountering carpal tunnel syndrome may hinge more on your rung on the office ladder. The nerve disease, which causes a feeling of numbness or burning in the hands and wrists, has long been tried to sustained typing on a computer keyboard. But a study led by Boston University professor of epidemiology David Nordstrom, Ph. D., found no such connection. Instead, he found that people reporting the least influence over their work had almost three times the risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome as did those with the most influence. Obesity, non-participation in sports, and having a close relative with the condition all doubled the risk of developing the syndrome, as did a previous diagnosis of a musculoskeletal condition like lupus or arthritis.
Nordstrom cautions that his findings are preliminary but offers several possible explanations for the link between the wrist disorder and autonomy in the office.
The stress of taking orders may increase muscle tension, putting a strain on bones and nerves.
Initial episodes of pain may trigger a chronic nervous system dysfunction in those with lots of work but little independence.
People under stress may simply be more sensitive to their symptoms and more likely to report them to doctors.
New words and expressions生词和短语
occupational [ˌɔkju'peiʃənəl] adj.职业的
odds [ɔdz] n.可能的机会
carpal [ka:pl] adj.[解剖]腕骨的;n.腕骨
carpal tunnel syndrome腕管综合症
epidemiology [ˌepiˌdi:mi'olədʒi]n.流行病学
musculoskeletal [ˌmʌskjuləu'skelitəl] adj.[解]肌(与)骨骼的
autonomy [ɔ:'tɔnəmi] n.自治
episode ['episəud] n.章节,阶段
trigger ['trigə] vt.引发,引起,触发
chronic [krɔnik]adj.慢性的
dysfunction [dis'fʌŋkʃən] n.[医]机能不良,功能紊乱,官能障碍
