时间:120分钟 满分:120分
第一部分 听力(共30分) 
一、听对话, 选答案(共15小题, 计20分)
第一节:(共10小题, 计10分)
(  )1. A. Japan.     B. Germany.     C. England.
(  )2. A. She often goes to school by bus.
B. She often goes to school by bike.
C. She often goes to school on foot.
(  )3. A. Windy.     B. Sunny.     C. Cloudy.
(  )4. A. A cup of coffee.          B. A glass of water.
C. A bottle of milk.
(  )5. A. Once a week.     B. Twice a week.
C. I don't know.
(  )6. A. Cloudy.     B. Rainy.     C. Windy.
(  )7. A. A cook.     B. A teacher.     C. A worker.
(  )8. A. Spring.     B. Winter.     C. Autumn.
(  )9. A. The Rocket Club.          B. The Computer Club.
C. The Science Club.
(  )10. A. Stop polluting the air.
B. Stop throwing rubbish everywhere.
C. Stop cutting down trees.
第二节:(共5小题, 计10分)
听第11段对话, 回答11、12小题。
(  )11. What will they do to protect the Earth?
A. Stop burning things.     
B. Plant trees.
C. Clean the city.
(  )12. Where will they meet?
A. At the gate of the park.
B. At the gate of the school.
C. At Bill's home.
听第12段对话, 回答13~15小题。
(  )13. What does Mandy collect?
A. Postcards.     B. Shells.     C. Stamps.
(  )14. When did Mandy start collecting stamps?
A. Two years ago.          B. Three years ago.
C. Five years ago.
(  )15. What's Mandy's favourite stamp?
A. The Dragon Stamp.          B. The Kite Stamp.
C. The Great Wall Stamp.
二、听独白, 填信息(共5小题, 计10分)
16. David is twelve years old and Sam is ________ years old.
pouring17. David likes ________ sports and soccer is his favorite.
18. David plays soccer with his classmates ________ a week after school.
19. Sam goes to the art club to practice ________ twice a week.
20. The club often takes the students to the ________ to draw animals.
第二部分(笔试 90分)
三、完形填空(共20小题, 计20分)
第一节:阅读下面的短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案, 使短文连贯完整。
It's Mona's birthday. She and Mr. Black are in a __21__ store. Mona sees a yellow sweater and says, “Daddy, __22__ the yellow sweater! Do you think Mum __23__ it?”
“Yeah! And I'm sure it looks good __24__ her, ”  says Mr. Black.
“Its __25__ is 98 dollars, ”Mona says. “What about buying it for Mum?”
“Uh, dear, it's your birthday. And I only have 100 dollars. Don't you want to __26__ a pair of black sports trousers?”
“Yes, __27__ I have two pairs of them now, ”Mona says. “My birthday is special to me. It's special to Mum, too. And Mum doesn't have a __28__ sweater. I want to make __29__ happy. ”
Hearing this, Mr. Black says, “What a good girl! Let's __30__ it. ”
(  )21. A. book      B. clothes      C. flower      D. fruit
(  )22. A. look at      B. help with      C. thank for      D. look for
(  )23. A. like      B. liked      C. to like      D. will like
(  )24. A. in      B. on      C. for      D. at
(  )25. A. time      B. number      C. price      D. speed
(  )26. A. buy      B. play      C. watch      D. use
(  )27. A. so      B. but      C. because      D. and
(  )28. A. white      B. black      C. yellow      D. brown
(  )29. A. you      B. her      C. him      D. me
(  )30. A. carry      B. want      C. bring      D. take
第二节:阅读下面一篇短文, 理解大意, 然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案, 使短文连贯完整。
Miss Richards was a teacher at a school for boys and girls. She__31__chemistry and physics from the lowest to the highest classes in the__32__. Sometimes the new classes__33__rapidly, but sometimes they were very__34__, and then Miss Richards had to repeat things many__35__.
One year, the first class studied chemistry for several__36__ when Miss Richards suddenly asked, “What is water? Who knows?__37__up. ”
There was silence(安静) for a few seconds, and Miss Richards felt sad, but then one __38__put up his hand.
“Yes, Dick?” said Miss Richards encouragingly (鼓励地). He was not one of the brightest children in the class, so she was__39__that he could answer.
“Water is a liquid which has no__40__until you wash your hands in it, Miss Richards. Then it turns black, ” the boy answered with great confidence(自信).
(  )31. A. taught      B. took      C. learnt      D. had
(  )32. A. shop      B. school      C. home      D. library
(  )33. A. learned      B. taught      C. played      D. liked
(  )34. A. slow      B. quick      C. fast      D. quiet
(  )35. A. time      B. times      C. terms      D. years
(  )36. A. years      B. minutes      C. weeks      D. seconds
(  )37. A. Put      B. Hands      C. Get      D. Look
(  )38. A. girl      B. worker      C. teacher      D. boy
(  )39. A. sad      B. glad      C. angry      D. hungry
