因此,让我们来处理这些问题。 我可能会做这样的事情:
#include // for strcpy(), strlen()
#include // for malloc()
int main(void) {
char **sweet_names; // make a double pointer(or you might see that as array of pointers
char reader[300]; // this variable will help us read every name into the sweet_names
int sweet_number;
int i, j;
// Your code here to get the number of sweet_names
/*Prompts the user to enter the number of sweets and saves it to sweet_number*/
printf("Please enter the number of sweets:\n");
scanf("%d", &sweet_number);
// Now that you know the sweet_number, allocate as much memory as you need.
// And that can be more than 999 sweet names
sweet_names = (char **) malloc(sweet_number * sizeof(char *));
/ i.e. make a character pointer to sweet_number character pointers.
// Again, some of your code here
for (i = 0; sweet_number > i; i++) {
printf("What is the name of the sweet?\n");
scanf("%s", reader); // read into the reader
sweet_names[i] = (char *) malloc(strlen(reader) + 1); // allocate as much memory as you need for the current string, the one just read into reader
strcpy(sweet_names[i], reader); // copy contents of reader to sweet_names[i]
// Again, your code to print the names
for (j = 0; sweet_number > j; j++){
printf("%s\n", sweet_names[j]);
free(sweet_names[j]); // free every string you allocated, it is good practice
// Finally, free the sweet_names pointers. Generally, when you allocate
// dynamically, which is what we do with malloc(), it is a good practice
// to free what you allocate becuase otherwise stays in memory and then
// memory leaks are created. There is a lot to say about C and memory
// but anyway, remember to free
return 0;
最后,现在程序再次有限制只读名最多,因为reader 300个字符,但这个东西,你也可以处理,⽽这是为读者分配⼀个疯狂的内存量,如1000000 个字符,然后释放它。
