Library borrowing management is the inevitable requirement of educational informatization. Starting from the management of book borrowing, this paper designs and implements a library borrowing management system which integrates the functions of book borrowing, return, book information management, information statistics and analysis. The front-end interface of the system is developed with Java languag
e, and MySQL is used a s the background database. The ER diagram of book borrowing is designed and converted into relational data model, and the book borrowing database is realized. The front-end uses springboot as the basic framework and Vue technology. Based on B / S architecture (Browser / server) and Ajax communication technology, the book borrowing management system realizes the functions of user basic information management, book management and statistical analysis. The realization of this system improves the information ma nagement level of library book borrowing.
Keywords: Book borrowing ; Java;SpringBoot; MySQL;Vue
摘要 ........................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。. 错误!未定义书签。前言 ........................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1 绪论........................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
1.1 项目提出意义............................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.2 项目开发背景 (1)
1.3 项目简介 (1)
1.4 项目关键技术 (2)
1.4.1 Java语言 (2)
1.4.2 SpringBoot技术 (2)
1.4.3 MySQL技术 (3)
1.4.4 Vue.js技术 (3)
2 需求分析 (5)
2.1 系统可行性分析 (5)
2.2 系统需求分析 (5)
2.2.1 功能性需求 (5)
2.2.2 非功能性需求 (6)
2.3 数据字典 (6)
2.3.1 数据项 (7)
2.3.2 数据结构............................. 错误!未定义书签。基于java的图书管理系统
2.4 用例图 (9)
3 系统总体设计 (11)
3.1 系统设计概要 (11)
3.1.1 设计目的 (11)
3.1.2 设计内容 (11)
3.1.3 E-R图 (11)
3.2 系统功能模块设计 (12)
3.3 数据库设计 (14)
4 系统的实现 ............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
4.1登录模块 (16)
4.2个人信息管理模块 (20)
4.3图书检索模块 (22)
4.4图书借阅模块 (23)
4.5图书管理模块 (25)
4.5.1 综合介绍 (25)
4.5.2 统计分析............................ 2错误!未定义书签。
4.5.3 用户管理............................ 2错误!未定义书签。
4.5.4 图书类型管理 (28)
4.5.5 图书管理 (28)
5 系统测试 (31)
5.1测试概要 (31)
5.2测试用例 (31)
5.2.1 测试范围与目的 (32)
5.2.2 测试环境与测试辅助工具的描述 (32)
5.2.3 功能测试用例 (32)
5.3测试分析 (34)
结论 (35)
参考文献 (36)
致谢 (38)
