图书分类号: 密 级:
毕业设计 论文
基于C语言的图书管理系统 Design and Implementation of Books Management System Based on C Language
学生姓名 学院名称 专业名称 指导教师
2012年 5月 日
Mankind has entered the new century, which is entering the information age. Wave of information technology, the network revolution has brought about the impact, but also make the library service has been badly hit,and library management and services of traditional methods can not meet the growing literature on the information the reader needs. With the continuous increase in the collections, books, data entry and also a corresponding increase in the difficulty of queries, data processing manual operation, heavy workload, error rate, er
ror is not easy to change after the manual mode can no longer meet the requirements.
Based on this problem, the establishment of a standardized, systematic, process-oriented library management system can not wait. For the convenience of library books, readers information, such as borrowing and returning books for efficient management, especially the preparation of the management procedures to enhance the efficiency of the library. After using the program, staff can search for certain readers, borrow some books, can also borrow books on the current situation of some statistics in order to fully grasp the flow of books.
Based on this problem, the establishment of a standardized, systematic, process-oriented library management system can not wait. For the convenience of library books, readers information, such as borrowing and returning books for efficient management, especially the preparation of the management procedures to enhance the efficiency of the library. After using the program, staff can search for certain readers, borrow some books, can also borrow books on the current situation of some statistics in order to fully grasp the flow of books.
KEY WORDS:C language, Library Management, Data Processing, Information Technology
摘要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1 选题的背景和选题的意义 1
选题的背景 1
选题的意义 1
1.2 系统的特点 2
1.3 需求分析 2
2 系统的总体设计 3
2.1 系统总体设计 3
2.2运行环境和开发工具 3
具 3
境 4
基于java的图书管理系统2.3 系统流程图 4
3 系统的详细设计 6
3.1主体界面设计 6
块 7
块 8
块 9
块 10
块 11
块 12
块 14
数 15
4 系统调试 16
5系统运行 17
结 论 21
致 谢 22
参考文献 23
附录 程序源代码 24
1 绪论
1.1 选题的背景和选题的意义
一般通用的图书馆管理系统通常包括系统管理、读者管理、编目、图书流通、统计、查询等功能。比较先进的系统能够在一个界面下实现图书、音像、期刊的管理,设置假期、设置暂离锁、暂停某些读者的借阅权、导入导出读者资料、交换MARC Machine Readable Catalogue 数据、升级辅助编目库、征订图书等。此外,随着工Internet应用的发展,一个完善的系统还应提供无缝接入Internet的功能,通过IE浏览器让读者使用借阅资料查询、更换密码、预约、资料检索等功能。有些系统还能提供读者自助服务,可以开放一些客户机让读者自行管理密码、查询自己的借阅史、预约资料、检索资料等。