1. Introductionelectronic去掉ic是什么
In the electronic industry, there are numerous terms and acronyms used to describe different electronic products and technologies. This comprehensive guide ms to provide a thorough list of commonly used English terms and acronyms in the electronic industry. Understanding these terms is essential for professionals and enthusiasts in this field.
2. Common Terms and Acronyms
Here is a detled breakdown of various terms and acronyms used in the electronic industry:
2.1 Analog
•ADC: Analog-to-Digital Converter
•AGC: Automatic Gn Control
•DAC: Digital-to-Analog Converter
•OP-AMP: Operational Amplifier
•PWM: Pulse Width Modulation
2.2 Digital
•ASIC: Application-Specific Integrated Circuit
•CPU: Central Processing Unit
•DSP: Digital Signal Processor
•FPGA: Field Programmable Gate Array
•RAM: Random Access Memory