## Springboot Interface Authentication Process.
Authentication is a crucial mechanism in Spring Boot applications to ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive resources. Here's a thorough explanation of the authentication process in Spring Boot:
1. Request Interception:
When an unauthorized client attempts to access a protected endpoint, the Spring Security framework intercepts the request.
2. Authentication Trigger:
Spring Security checks if the user has provided any credentials in the request (e.g., username and password, token).
3. Authentication Provider:
springboot和过滤器 The appropriate AuthenticationProvider is selected based on the type of credentials provided. It could be a UserDetailsService for username and password or a JwtAuthenticationProvider for JWT tokens.
4. Authentication Manager:
The AuthenticationManager manages the authentication process. It invokes the AuthenticationProvider to validate the credentials.
5. Authentication Success:
If the credentials are valid, the AuthenticationManager creates an Authentication object representing the authenticated user.
6. Role-Based Authorization:
The AuthorizationManager checks the Authentication object to determine if the user has t
he necessary roles to access the requested endpoint.
7. Access Granted/Denied:
Based on the authorization check, access to the endpoint is either granted or denied.
8. Exception Handling:
If authentication or authorization fails, an exception is thrown and the appropriate error response is returned.
9. CSRF Protection:
Spring Security provides CSRF protection by including a token in each form. If the token doesn't match during form submission, the request is rejected to prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks.
10. Logging and Auditing:
Authentication and authorization events are logged for security auditing purposes.
## Springboot 接口鉴权流程。
鉴权是 Spring Boot 应用中至关重要的机制,以确保只有授权用户才能访问敏感资源。以下是对 Spring Boot 中鉴权流程的详细解释:
1. 请求拦截:
当未经授权的客户端尝试访问受保护的端点时,Spring Security 框架会拦截该请求。
2. 触发鉴权:
Spring Security 检查用户是否在请求中提供了任何凭据(如用户名和密码、令牌)。
3. 鉴权提供器:
根据提供的凭据类型选择适当的 AuthenticationProvider。对于用户名和密码,可能是 UserDetailsService,对于 JWT 令牌,可能是 JwtAuthenticationProvider。
4. 鉴权管理器:
AuthenticationManager 管理鉴权过程。它调用 AuthenticationProvider 来验证凭据。
5. 鉴权成功:
如果凭据有效,AuthenticationManager 会创建一个 Authentication 对象,表示已验证的用户。
6. 基于角的授权:
AuthorizationManager 检查 Authentication 对象,以确定用户是否具有访问请求端点所需的必要角。
7. 访问允许/拒绝:
8. 异常处理:
9. CSRF 保护: