高考写作3– 并列句和复合句
一、洞悉四种并列关系,  写好并列句 
“一个主谓(宾)+ and + 一个主谓(宾)”
(主系表)   but    (主系表)
并列关系:and, both and, not noly…but also, as well as, neither nor
转折关系:but, however, while, nevertherless, yet
因果关系:for, therefore
例如:She not only sings but also dance.
      The film is not perfect,but it’s good.
      Take the chance, or you will regret it.
      I’d better take an umbrella, for it is going to rain.
3.注意:not only … but also 应连接两个相对称的并列成分。例如:
Not only Mr Lin but also his son joined the Party two years ago. (连接两个主语)
I not only play tennis but also practise shooting. (连接两个谓语动词)
He plays not only the piano but also the violin. (连接两个宾语)
They speak English not only in class but also in the dormitory. (连接两个地点状语)
He not only does well in Chinese but also is good at English.
He sings not only in the club but also gives performent in the concern.
He is not only our teacher but also always help us in dalylife.
1. 并列句
联合并列句常由并列连词(短语)and,  not only. . .  but also. . . ,  not. . . but. . . , neither. . . nor. . . , on the one hand. . . on the other hand等连接。其中and可表示平行、顺接、评注、条件等。
·(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)They rose in the ranks not by being friendly but by smoking cigarettes,  breaking rules and playing jokes on others,  among whom I soon found myself.
·(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)Not only is likability related to positive life outcomes,  but it is also responsible for those outcomes,  too.
·(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)More than half (53 percent) have breakfast alone and nearly half (46 percent) have lunch by themselves.
2. 转折并列句
转折并列句常由并列连词but,  while,  yet,  whereas,  nevertheless等连接。其中while,  whereas表示的是对比“而”。例如: 
·(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)The coach is able to focus on the kids while the other parents are relieved to be off the hook for another season.
·(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)Ask questions,  but make sure they are good,  thoughtful questions.
3. 选择并列句
选择并列句常由并列连词(短语)or,  or else, either. . .  or. . .  等连接。例如: 
·Wear your coat or else you will catch a cold. 
4. 因果并列句
relieved是什么意思因果并列句由并列连词so,  for等连接。其中for表示解释说明性质的理由。例如: 
·(2019·江苏高考) Besides,  the choice of the traditional Chinese dress means extra money,  and extra time,  for we have to change it back after the event.
·(2019·天津6月高考)Mabry said he hadn’t planned to do much for his milestone birthday,  so he was happy the students had prepared the surprise celebration.
(1)在“祈使句+and/or+陈述句”结构中,  当前后两部分为顺承关系时,  用and;  前后意思为相反
关系时,  用or。可将前面的祈使句转换成由if引导的条件状语从句,  这时将and或or去掉。有时也出现“名词词组+and/or/otherwise+陈述句”结构。例如: 
·Hurry up,  and we will be there in time. 
=If we hurry up,  we will be there in time. 
如果我们快点,  我们就会及时到达那里。
·More healthy food,  or you’ll break down sooner or later.
=If you don’t eat more healthy food,  you’ll break down sooner or later.
多吃健康食品, 不然你的身体迟早会垮掉。
(2)not only. . .  but also. . . 连接的并列句,  当not only置于句首时,  其后的句子通常要用部分倒装的形式。例如: 
·Not only has she been late three times,  but also she has done no work.  她不仅迟到了三次,  她还没干一点活。
(3)并列句有时也可不用并列连词连接,  而用标点符号分号(;  )连接。例如: 
·The future is bright;  the road is tortuous. 
前途是光明的,  道路是曲折的。
1. He was ill,  but/yet he kept on working. 
2. The bell is ringing and the lesson is over. 
3. He doesn’t talk much,  but/yet he thinks a lot. 
4. Either you leave here at once or I will call the police. 
5. There’s no petrol, so it’s very difficult to transport goods.
6. It must have rained last night,  for the ground is still wet. 
7. Jane was dressed in green while/whereas Mary was dressed in blue. 
8. He couldn’t know the truth about me,  or he wouldn’t treat me like this. 
1. Either you are right also I am right.    (also改为or)
2. We were having a meeting while someone broke in.    (while改为when)
3. Jenny said she was ill,  for I saw her in the street just now.    (for改为but)
4. We listened eagerly, so he brought news of our families.    (so改为for)
5. Some people are very rich but others are very poor.    (but改为while/whereas)
6. Not only does he speak English correctly and also (he speaks) fast.    (and改为but)
1,You must get over your lesson. You will fail in the exam.
2,Professor Wang gave us a lot of advice. He helped us to study English.
