oracle中 tns配置流程
English Answer:
TNS Configuration Process in Oracle.
The Transparent Network Substrate (TNS) configuration process in Oracle allows database clients to connect to Oracle databases over a network. The TNS configuration process involves creating a TNS listener on the server side and configuring TNS entries on the client side.
oracle客户端卸载步骤 Steps for Oracle TNS Configuration.
1. Creating a TNS Listener.
Install Oracle Net Listener software on the server.
Define a listener in a file (on Unix/Linux) or in a file (on Windows).
Start the listener using the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant (NetCA) or by executing the following command:
lsnrctl start LISTENER_NAME.
2. Configuring TNS Entries.
On the client side, create a TNS entry in a file or use the Net Configuration Assistant (NetCA) to add a new entry.
The TNS entry should include the following information:
host: The host name or IP address of the server.
port: The port number on which the listener is running.
service name: The name of the service defined in a file.
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = oracle-server)(PORT = 1521))。
3. Testing the TNS Configuration.
Use the tnsping utility to test the TNS configuration:
If the test is successful, you will see a response similar to the following:
TNS Ping Successful.
OK (100 msec)。
Chinese Answer:
Oracle TNS配置流程。