1Greek and Roman culture
1.1 Greek (5century BC)
1, Homer, wrote: epic: Iliad ; Odyssey
2, Sophocles, wrote: drama : Oedipus the King,  Electra,  Antigone (都是人名)
3, Aristophanes, wrote: comedy: Frogs, Clouds, Wasps and Birds
4, Historian:
Herodotus ( the father of history)
Thucydides, wrote: the war between Athens and S-parta and between Athens and Syracuse)
5, Ancient Greek philosopher:
Pythagoras(founder of scientific mathematics),
Heracleitus ( all is flux, nothing is stationery),
Democritus( one of the earliest exponents of the atomic theory)
Socrates ( founder of dialectical method辩证法), Platos teacher
Plato: Dialogues( founder of Idealism), Aristotles teacher
Aristotle: Ethics, Politics, Poetics Rhetoric
Sophists(诡辩派): Protagoras(人名,下同)
Cynics(犬儒派) : Diogenes
Sceptics(怀疑派): Pyrrhon
Epicureans: Epicurus
Stoics(斯多葛派): Zeno                   
Euclid : wrote: Elements(几何原理)
Archimedes: give me a place to stand, and I will move the world, illustrates the principle of the lever.
7, Art and etc.
The Acrpolis (神庙)
1, Greek culture reached a high point of development in the 5th century B.C.
2, the Olympic games revived in 1896.
3,Homer probably lived around 700 BC.
4,Euclid and Archimedes both lived in the 3rd century BC.
5, in 146 BC the Romans conquered Greece.
1.2 Rome (after 146 BC)
8, 名句:the Roman writer Horace said, captive Greece took her rude conqueror captive”
9, Latin literature
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Julius Caesar: Commentaries (高卢战记)名句:I came, I saw, I conquered.
Lucretius wrote : on the nature of things
11, Architecture
Pantheon ( 万神殿)
1,the burning of Corinth in 146 BC marked Roman conquest of Greece.
2, in 476 the last emperor of the West Roman was deposed by the Goths and this marked the end of the West Roman Empire.
3, the East Roman Empire collapsed when Constantinople fell to the Turks in1453.
2 The Bible and Christianity (The Old Testament about 1300 BC; The New Testament about 400 AD)
1,The Old Testament became the first part of the Christian Bible and the New Testament the second.
2, Christian are divided into 3 groups: Catholic, orthodox and protestant
3, the first English version of whole Bible was translated from the Latin Vulgate (拉丁文圣经) in 1382 and was copied out by hand by the early group of reformers led by John Wycliff.
4, the most important and influential of English Bible is the authorized ”or King James version.
The Old Testament formed in about 1300 BC; The New Testament formed in the end of the 4th century.
3 The Middle ages (between 476 AD and 17th century)
1,The most important of all the leader ops Christian thought was Augustine(人名) of Hippo(地名) who lived in North Africa in the 5th century. He wrote: the Confession and the City of God.
2,Alfred the Great promoted translations into the vernacular form Latin works, he inspired the compilation of the Anglo Saxon Chronicles(编年史).
3, St. Thomas Aquinas Italian philosopher , he wrote: Summa Contra Gentiles ( 驳异教徒),Summa Theologiae (神学大全)
4, Roger Bacon, wrote: the Opus maius( 大著作), an encyclopedia of the sciences of his time.
5, Beowulf is an Anglo- Saxon epic, originating from the collective efforts of oral literature.
6, Dante Alighieri,the greatest poet of Italy,  wrote: the Divine Comedy(I神曲).
7, Geoffrey Chaucer, English poet, wrote: the Canterbury Tales (坎特伯雷故事集).
1, in 476 AD a Germanic general killed the last Roman emperor and took control of the government.
2, after 1054, the church was divided into the Roman Catholic church and the Eastern Orthodox church.
4 Renaissance and reformation (between 14th and 17th century)
1.Leonardo da Vinci , Italian, painted : Last Supper, Mona Lisa
2, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Italian, sculpture: David, painted: Sistine Chapel(西斯廷礼拜堂), Dying slave, Moses.
3,Raphael, Italian, painted: Madonna ( virgin girl), School of Athens
4,Titian, Venetian, painted: The venus of Urbino, Sacred and Profane Love, Madonna of the pesaro Family, Man with the Glove
5, John Wycliffe ( religious reformer), English , led the translation of the Bible into English for the first time.
