Summary of Robinson Crusoe 鲁滨孙漂流记简介 中英双语
Crusoe (the family name corrupted from the German name "Kreutznaer") sets sail from the Queen's Dock in Hull on a sea voyage in August 1651, against his parents' wishes, who want him to pursue a career, possibly in law. After a tumultuous journey where his ship is wrecked in a storm, his lust for the sea remains so strong that he sets out to sea again. This journey, too, ends in disaster as the ship is taken over by Salé pirates (the Salé Rovers) and Crusoe is enslaved by a Moor. Two years later, he escapes in a boat with a boy named Xury; a Captain of a Portuguese ship off the west coast of Africa rescues him. The ship is en route to Brazil. With the captain's help, Crusoe procures a plantation.
Years later, Crusoe joins an expedition to bring slaves from Africa but he is shipwrecked in a storm about forty miles out to sea on an island (which he calls the Island of Despair) near the mouth of the Orinoco river on September 30, 1659. Only he and three animals, the captain's dog and two cats, survive the shipwreck. Overcoming his despair, he fetches arms, tools, and other supplies from the ship before it breaks apart and sinks. He builds a fenced-in habitat ne
ar a cave which he excavates. By making marks in a wooden cross, he creates a calendar. By using tools salvaged from the ship, and ones he makes himself, he hunts, grows barley and rice, dries grapes to make raisins, learns to make pottery, and raises goats. He also adopts a small parrot. He reads the Bible and becomes religious, thanking God for his fate in which nothing is missing but human society.年后,克鲁索加入探险从非洲带来的奴隶,但他是在一个暴风雨海难大约四十英里的大海在一个岛上(他称之为绝望的岛屿)附近的口奥里诺科河1659930日。只有他和三个动物,船长的狗,两只猫,在海难。克服他的绝望,他获取武器、工具和其他物资的船之前,它的分解和下沉。他建立一个栅栏围起的栖息地附近的洞穴,他发掘。通过使标志着在一个木十字架,他创建了一个日历。通过使用工具里抢救出的船,他使他自己,他的狩猎,生长大麦和大米,干葡萄做葡萄干,学会做陶器,提高山羊。他也采用一个小鹦鹉。他读圣经并成为宗教,感谢上帝为他的命运,但人类社会什么也没有错过。
More years pass and Crusoe discovers native cannibals, who occasionally visit the island to kill and eat prisoners. At first he plans to kill them for committing an abomination but later realizes he has no right to do so, as the cannibals do not knowingly commit a crime. He dreams of obtaining one or two servants by freeing some prisoners; when a prisoner escapportuguese
es, Crusoe helps him, naming his new companion "Friday" after the day of the week he appeared. Crusoe then teaches him English and converts him to Christianity.更多年过去了,克鲁索发现本地食人族,偶尔访问台湾的囚犯杀死并吃掉。起初,他打算杀死他们犯下的憎恶,但后来意识到他没有权利这样做,随着食人族不故意犯下罪行。他梦想着获得一个或两个仆人通过释放一些囚犯;当一个囚犯逃脱,鲁滨逊帮助他,命名他的新伙伴星期五一天后的一周他出现。克鲁索然后教他英语并把他基督教。
After more natives arrive to partake in a cannibal feast, Crusoe and Friday kill most of the natives and save two prisoners. One is Friday's father and the other is a Spaniard, who informs Crusoe about other Spaniards shipwrecked on the mainland. A plan is devised wherein the Spaniard would return to the mainland with Friday's father and bring back the others, build a ship, and sail to a Spanish port.在更多的当地人参与到一个食人盛宴,鲁滨逊和星期五杀死大多数的当地人和拯救两名囚犯。一个是星期五的父亲,另一个是西班牙人,谁告诉鲁滨逊对其他西班牙人在大陆海难。一个计划是设计了其中的西班牙人会返回大陆星期五的父亲和带回了别人,建造一艘船,和航行到西班牙的一个港口。
Before the Spaniards return, an English ship appears; mutineers have commandeered the vessel and intend to maroon their captain on the island. Crusoe and the ship's captain strike a deal in which Crusoe helps the captain and the loyal sailors retake the ship and leave the worst mutineers on the island. Before embarking for England, Crusoe shows the mutineers how he survived on the island and states that there will be more men coming. Crusoe leaves the island 19 December 1686 and arrives in England on 11 June 1687. He learns that his family believed him dead; as a result, he was left nothing in his father's will. Crusoe departs for Lisbon to reclaim the profits of his estate in Brazil, which has granted him much wealth. In conclusion, he transports his wealth overland to England to avoid travelling by sea. Friday accompanies him and, en route, they endure one last adventure together as they fight off famished wolves while crossing the Pyrenees.在西班牙人返回,一艘英国船出现;反叛者的容器,已经征用打算栗他们的队长在岛上。鲁滨逊和船长达成一项协议里,鲁宾逊帮助船长和船员夺回船只和忠诚离开岛上最糟糕的反叛者。在开始为英格兰,鲁滨逊显示了反叛者在岛上如何他活了下来,并声明将会有更多的人来。克鲁索离开岛16861219日抵达英格兰,1687611日。他知道他的家人认为他死了,结果,他没有留下任何
