oracle sqlldr的用法
English Answer:
Oracle SQLLoader is a utility used to load data from external files into Oracle database tables. It is a powerful tool that allows for efficient and flexible data loading, supporting various data formats and providing robust error handling capabilities.
sqlldr [options] [parameters] control_file.
-control (control_file): Specifies the path and name of the control file that defines the loading parameters.
-data (data_file): Specifies the path and name of the external data file to be loaded.
-log (log_file): Specifies the path and name of the log file where SQLLoader will record its activities and errors.
-bad (bad_file): Specifies the path and name of the file to which rejected records will be written.
-discardmax (number): Sets the maximum number of rejected records allowed before SQLLoader aborts the loading process.
username/password: Specifies the Oracle database username and password for connecting to the database.
connect_string: Specifies the database connection string, including the hostname, port, and database name.
bindfile: Specifies the path to a file containing bind variables that can be referenced in the control file.
direct: Enables direct path loading, bypassing the Oracle buffer cache for improved performance.
multithreading: Specifies the number of parallel threads to use for loading, improving speed on multi-core systems.
Control File:
The control file is a text file that defines the parameters for the SQLLoader operation. It includes the following sections:
LOAD DATA: Specifies the target table and columns to be loaded.
OPTIONS: Sets the loading options, such as the delimiter, field terminator, and record terminator.