作者:刘晋钢 曹小凤 刘杰 张立凡
        摘 要:培养应用型人才是新建本科院校转型发展的迫切需要,教学质量评价是检验应
        DOI:10. 11907/rjdk. 192790
        中图分类号:TP434 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7800(2020)010-0272-04
        Abstract:Application-oriented personnel training is urgently needed for local universities. Teaching quality evaluation is an important way to test the effectiveness of application-oriented personnel training model. Front end engineer is a new profession that has been valued in recent years. We analyze the connotation of new engineering construction and important characteristics, then discuss the common problems existing i
n the current curriculum construction of application-oriented colleges. Taking digital media technology of Taiyuan Institute of technology as an example, we construct an application-oriented curriculum architecture and combine the current situation of front-end engineer’s job requirements. It is proposed to strengthen the connotation construction, adopt the mixed teaching mode of “case-driven and flipped class”, establish and improve a diversified curriculum assessment system, and build an application-oriented curriculum architecture for front-end engineers. The way of curriculum construction reform for application-oriented universities has been explored.
