Prerogative is a noun that refers to an exclusive right or privilege. The word comes from the Latin word "praerogativa," which means a previous choice or privilege. To help remember the meaning and usage of this word, we can break it down into its root and affixes.
The root of prerogative is "rogare," which means to ask or propose in Latin. This root can be seen in words like interrogate (to ask questions) and derogatory (showing a critical or disrespectful attitude). Understanding this root can help us see that prerogative is connected to the idea of asking for a special right or privilege.
The prefix "pre-" means before or in advance. In words like preview (a viewing before the official release) and predict (to say what will happen before it occurs), this prefix indicates something that happens ahead of time. In the case of prerogative, this prefix suggests that the privilege or right is granted or decided before others.
The "ative" suffix is commonly used to form nouns from verbs or adjectives. It indicates the q
uality or state of being something. For example, the suffix is added to the word "active" to form the noun "activity." In the case of prerogative, the suffix "ative" turns the verb "prerogate" (meaning to grant a privilege or right) into a noun that represents the act of having a special right or privilege.
Using mnemonic techniques, we can create associations that make it easier to remember words and their meanings. Here's an example to help remember the meaning of "prerogative":
Imagine you are attending a movie premiere with your friend. The film has not been released yet, and only a select group of people has the privilege to watch it before everyone else. You and your friend are excited because you both have special passes that allow you to see the movie before others. In this scenario, the movie premiere represents the exclusive right or privilege, and your special passes can be associated with "prerogatives."
By visualizing this scene, you can connect the prefix "pre-" (meaning before) with the idea
of attending the movie premiere before its official release. The root "rogare" (meaning to ask or propose) can be associated with asking for these special passes. Finally, the suffix "-ative" (meaning the quality or state of being something) turns the verb "prerogate" (to grant a privilege) into the noun "prerogative," which represents the exclusive right or privilege you have.
By using mnemonic techniques like this, we can make it easier to remember not just the definition of prerogative, but also its root and affixes. Through visualization and associations, we can create mental connections that aid in the retention and recall of new vocabulary.
