pack of smokes= a box of cigarettes 一包香烟的意思
light up = to start smoking a cigarette
don’t have the willpower to just quit. I can’t fight with the urge to reach for my pack of smokes。。。Please understand?
It took a lot of willpower to stay calm.
I don't have the willpower to diet.
fight with the urge
urge= a strong impulse, inner drive, or yearning
u cant light up here= u cant smoke here.有时候美国人喜欢说第一句。一个意思
It smells like an ashtray in here! 这句话是说你又抽烟了。这里面都有烟味的Nicotine chewing gum=gum that slowly releases nicotine into thebody
nicotine['nikəti:n, -tin, ,nikə'ti:n] n. [化]尼古丁;烟碱
now laws are cracking down and not allowing smoking in any public place.  经常会在报纸上看到
crack down =To act more forcefully to regulate or repress
crack down phrasal verb
to start dealing with bad or illegal behaviour in a more severe way
The library is cracking down on people who lose their books.
You can’t just expect me to go cold turkey overnight!
Go cold turkey = Immediate, complete withdrawal from something
I said I was going to cut down which is very different.
I quit smoking 完全不抽了
I will cut down smoking 还抽一点
The heckler was ejected from the hall by a couple of police officers.
open mic night=when a club or restaurant allows for anyone to sign or perform
Mic是缩写FOR microphone ['maikrəfə扩音器,麦克风发音是maik Let’s start out with some short jokes
comic['kɔmik] adj. 喜剧的;滑稽的;有趣的n. 连环漫画;喜剧演员;滑稽人物
zinger ['ziŋə;有力的反驳;不寻常的事物
nostrils      nostril['nɔstrəl]
routine = a series of things (such as movements or jokes) 这里是做程序的意思What does a fish say when it runs into a wall?
这词很好run into 就是crash into的意思。。。撞上墙了。
Get off the stage! You suck!
gorilla [gə'rilə] n. 大猩猩
genre =a kind of literary or artistic work  这种其实应该是法语。是艺术种类的意思。genre[ʒɑ:ŋr] n. 类,型是A的音
genre /ˈʒɑː.rə/ , /ˈʒɒn-/ noun [ C ] FORMAL
a style, especially in the arts, that involves a particular set of characteristics
What genre does the book fall into - comedy or tragedy?
a literary/musical/film genre
acronym =abbreviations acronym['ækrəunim] n. 首字母缩略词
sudden 猝死;突然死亡;[体]突然死亡法(决赛中的一分或一球定胜负法)
the pressure is on= the outcome or result depends on you
double or nothing=used when you want to bet twice as much
it seems we have a tie! It’s time now for the tie-breaker round!
You are right! Team B, the pressure is on, if you get all of them right, we will move on to sudden death.
tie-breaker ['tai, breikə平局决胜;平分决胜的比赛
all she ever does=indicates something (she) does very often
All she ever does is talk about you
pride and joy = someone or something that makes you very proud
You’re her pride and joy, you know that?
be your pride and joy
to be something or someone that is very important to you and that gives you a lot of pleasure
He spends hours cleaning that motorcycle - it's his pride and joy.
pine= to want or desire (someone or something) very much
pine松树v. 消瘦,憔悴,渴望
she’s still pining after you. I don’t hink she’ll ever get over you
go through with= to do (something that you have thought or talked about)
go through with sth phrasal verb
to do something unpleasant or difficult that has already been agreed or promised He'd threatened to divorce her but I never thought he'd go through with it.
The company has decided not to go through with the takeover of its smaller rival. incorrigible = not able to be corrected or changed
incorrigible[in'kɔridʒəbl] adj. 不可救药的;积习难改的n. 不可救药的人
You are incorrigible
they’re expecting…she’s expecting.
Well, Nisha and I are expecting! You’ll have another nephew or niece soon!
You look so thin! Didn’t those Americans feed you?
dowry ['dauə嫁妆;天资;亡夫遗产
elope =To run away with a lover, especially with the intention of getting married.这悲剧词就是跟人跑了~在爹妈不知道的情况下
everything was set here for you to marry Shalini!
What’s new with you? =how’s going..回答nothing much
Can’t wait to see her….;..cant wait to do XX
I left my heart in the United States. I just hope Veronica is happy.
Get over it!  there’ll be girls throwing themselves at you. You can marry anyone you want!  。。。这句话绝对是安慰别人当人迷恋一个女孩的时候。
I now declare you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.
arranged marriage=a marriage arranged by someone other than the persons getting married 家庭包办婚姻
We are understandably proud of this preeminence,
preeminence[pri(:)'eminəns] n. 杰出,卓越
pre-eminence =more important, skillful, or successful than other
foster =to help (something) grow or develop 啊的音
America’s adventure in free government, such basic purposes have been to keep the peace; to foster progress in human achievement, and to enhance liberty, dignity and integrity among peoples and among nations.
integrity[in'teɡrəti] n. 完整;正直;诚实;廉正
scourge =someone or something that causes a great amount of trouble
scourge[skə:dʒ鞭打;蹂躏;严斥;痛斥n. 鞭;灾祸;鞭子;苦难的根源
we now stand =to be in a particular place or position
We now stand ten years past the midpoint of a century that has witnessed four major wars midpoint['mid,pɔn. 中点,正中央
carnage ['kɑ:nidʒ] n. 大屠杀,残杀这次有道发的没错
Despite the carnage of these conflicts, America is today the strongest,
yearn =to feel a strong desire or wish for something
yearn[jə:n] vi. 渴望,向往; year的音后面 R和N的音
Hey there, you look a little lost. Are you new here?
Yeah how’d you know?
You can always spot the newbies. I can give you a few pointers if you want. Were you trying to use this machine here?
to develop strength or muscle tone and definition?
muscle definition 肌肉线条
美俚]举重;做举重运动员(有道这里有错。其实是煅练重量的东西都算)pump iron INFORMAL
to lift heavy weights for exercise
These days both men and women pump iron for fitness.
pointer =suggestions, help  (以前做过。就是TIPS的意思)
physique =the size and shape of a person's body
physique [fi'zi:k] n. 体格,体形。。按韦伯的发音
