2 元话语的分类
由于对元话语的性质和功能的认识差异,对元话语的分类也存在不同。迄今为止,元话语已有几种不同的分类体系(参Williams ,1981 ;Lautamatti ,1978 ;Vande ,1985 ;Crismore ,1989 ;Crismore et al ,1993 ;Hyland ,1998 ,2005) 。本研究将会主要讨论三种分法:Kopple(1985)、Crismore et al (1993)以及Hyland(2004)。
Vande Kopple(1985)基于Lautamatti和Williams对元话语的研究, 概括了7种元话语并将其分为语篇元话语和人际元话语两大类型。其中, 语篇元话语指的是在语篇中连接语篇各层次的主要成分, 组词成篇的词和短语。人际元话语主要是体现作者和读者关系的词和短语, 见表1。
表1 Vande Kopple的元话语分类
Category | Function | Examples | |
Textual metadiscourse | Text connectives | Show how parts of a text are connected to one another | sequencers (first, next), reminders (as I mentioned in Chapter 2), topicalizers(with regard to) |
Code glosses | Help readers grasp the writer’s intended meaning | mean, such as | |
Validity markers | Express the writer’s commitment to a statement | hedges (perhaps, might), emphatics (undoubtedly), attributors (according to) | |
Narrators | Inform readers of the source of information | according to Smith, | |
Interpersonal metadiscourse | Illocution markers | Make the discourse act explicit at certain point | to conclude, I hypothesize, to sum up, we predict |
Attitude markers | Express the writer’s attitudes | unfortunately, interestingly, I wish that | |
Commentaries | address readers directly, drawing them into an implicit dialogue | you will certainly agree that, you might want to read the third chapter first | |
不难看出, VandeKopple的分类存在问题, 如, 同样是“ according to ”, 既属于归属语又属于叙说词。One problem in identifying metadiscourse is its multifunctionality, that is, the functions are not performed in isolation and one metadiscourse may achieve several purposes simultaneously. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, Crismore, Markkanen, and Steffensen (1993) in their classification try to use a functional analysis: metadiscourse is defined according to its primary function in the context.
Crismoreetal(1993)在VandeKopple(1985)的分类基础上, 也将元话语分为两大类:语篇元话语和人际元话语。Crismoreetal的分类中去掉了叙说词一项, 将逻辑连接词、序列词、提醒词和主题词概括为语篇标记语, 同时将语码注释词和施事标记词纳入解释标记语。语篇标记语和解释标记语这一全新分法说明了元话语的语篇功能:语篇标记语帮助组织语篇, 解释标记语帮助读者解释和更好地理解作者的意图及写作策略。For interpersonal metadiscourse, validity markers, which is a subcategory of textual metadiscourse, is now under the classification of interpersonal metadiscourse and three separate subcategories --- hedges, certainty markers,and attributors are included. Attributors are combined with narrators because both are used to inform the readers of the source of ideas. 见表2
不过, Crismore etal的这一分法也存在一些问题, 如, 将语篇元话语分为语篇标记语和解释标记语的依据不明确, 另外, 用来指称语篇前部分所提内容的提醒词属于语篇标记语, 而用于指称语篇后部分所提内容的宣告词却又属于解释标记语, 这似乎有点牵强附会。
Category | Function | Examples | |
Textual metadiscourse | |||
Textual Markers | Logical Connectives we noted earlier | Help show connections between ideas | and, but, therefore |
Sequencers | Help show sequence of material | first, second | |
Reminders | Refer to earlier text material | As we saw in Chapter1 | |
Topicalizers | Indicate topic shift or a new topic | Well; now I will discuss,in regard to | |
Interpretive Markers | Code Glosses | Explain text material | What I mean is , that is, for example |
Illocution Markers | Name the act performed | To conclude;in sum;I predict | |
Announcements | Announcing upcoming material | In the next section | |
Interpersonal metadiscourse | |||
Hedges | Show lack of commitment to the truth-value of proposition | may, might | |
Certainty Markers | Show full commitment to the truth-value of proposition | I absolutely sure I know | |
Attributors | Refer to authorities used for persuasive force | Einstein claimed that | |
Attitude Markers | Express writer’s affective values | I agree, unfortunately | |
Commentary | Build writer-reader relationships | My friend, you may not agree that | |
Hyland(2004)认为, 将元话语分为语篇元话语和人际元话语不太确切, 应将元话语分为指引读者读完整个语篇的交互式元话语和帮助读者掌握论点的互动式元话。其中, 交互式元话语涉及作者对读者的意识, 以及作者对读者的知识、兴趣、修辞期望和语篇处理能力的调解, 它反映了作者组织语篇的方法, 在一定程度上体现出作者在创作语篇的过程中考虑到了读者的需求。而互动式元话语是作者通过入侵语篇和对语篇信息加以评论来引领互动展开交际的方法, 它在一定程度上体现了语篇是由作者和读者一起构建的。关于Hyland的分类模式,本文将会在theoretical basis 里详细解释。
Category | Function | Examples |
Interactive metadiscourse | Help to guide the reader through the text | |
Transitions | express relations between main clause | in addition; but; thus; and |
Frame markers | refer to discourse acts, sequences or stages | finally; to conclude; my purpose is |
Endophoric markers | refer to information in other parts of the text | noted above; see Fig; in section2 |
Evidentials | refer to information in other parts of the text | according to X; Z states |
Code glosses | elaborate propositional meanings | namely; .; such as; in other words |
Interactional metadiscourse | Involve the reader in the text | |
Hedges | withhold commitment and open dialogue | might; perhaps; possible; about |
Boosters | emphasize certainty or close dialogue | in fact; definitely; it is clear that |
Attitude markers | express writer’s attitude to proposition | unfortunately; I agree; surprisingly |
Self mentions | explicit reference to author(s) | I; we; my; me; our |
Engagement markers | explicitly build relationship with reader | consider; note; you can see that |
Class 2 metadiscourse
Recognizing the differences in the nature and function of meta discourse, the discourse of the dollar classification are also different. To date, there are several different metadiscourse classification system (see Williams, 1981; Lautamatti, 1978; Vande, 1985; Crismore, 1989; Crismore et al, 1993; Hyland, 1998, 2005). Xu Jiujiu (2006) summarize findings and discuss the classification of metadiscourse mainly in vocabulary classes. From the current research point of view, there are three main points of law: chapter Kopple (1988) proposed and interpersonal metadiscourse, Hyland and Tse (2004) proposed a guided and interactive metadiscourse, and Ifantidou (2005) proposed internal discourse and External chapter metadiscourse.
The first classification is made Vande (1985) made, he put metadiscourse divided into two categories: Text metadiscourse means connecting the main component of all levels of discourse in chapters, a chapter of the word of words and phrases, including Text Connective (text connectives), language code annotation words (code glosses), validity Sig
ns (validity markers), the narrator (narrator). Interpersonal metadiscourse mainly reflected words and phrases relationship authors and readers, including illocutionary force marked words (illocution markers), attitude identifies words (attitude markers) and author - reader communication identifies words (commentaries).