28.1 复习笔记
视译(On-sight Interpreting)是指同传译员拿着讲话人的发言稿,边听发言、边看原稿、边进行同声传译。视译是同声传译中经常使用的一种翻译方式,也是同声训练不可逾越的一个阶段,一般的同声传译训练都是从注意力的分配训练(如影子跟读练习)到视译,然后再过渡到无稿同声传译。
1. 视译中有源语与译语稿件的情况非常少,即便在两稿都有的情况下,也要认真准备,不能掉以轻心。因为发言人因为发言时间的限制或现场情况的变化,很可能在阅读发言稿时跳过一些段落,或在报告中间增加一些内容。还有的发言者可能会临时更换发言稿。
2. 通常会议提供的发言稿是单语的,在时间充裕的情况下,可以先把稿件中的难点(词语、语句等)事先笔译出来,把原稿做一定的语篇分析与意划分,这样在翻译的时候就可以做到胸有成竹了。如果时间来不及或译员对稿件的内容较有把握,可以在稿子上做一些“标识”(Markers),即用诸如箭头、五角星、线条等各种笔记符号有重点地标出源语发言人的思路及语篇标识,把关键的词语和一些难译的句子和语段先译出来。
3. 在原稿并无参考价值的情况下,可以忽略原稿,把精力集中在无稿同声传译的技术工作中,利用口译笔记等,进行无稿同传。口译的视译准备工作有时要在口译厢中进行,译员可以事先准备好词典,对那些较难的重要信息进行一定程度的准备。
4. 译员在准备过程中如果发现讲稿存在实在难以理解、过于深奥或冷僻的地方,在时间允许的情况下,最好能请教一下演讲人或有相关专业知识的人。在国际会议中,译员对于特殊的观念、思想、概念等,一定要虚心请教,不能望文生意。
1. 初步练习可以一些有译文的发言稿,边听发言录音,边做“同声传读”。然后逐渐过渡到脱离译稿,只看原文进行口译。视译时可以用很短时间对原文通读一遍,了解发言的主要内容,并对语言、专业难点做“译前准备”。
2. 视译训练的要求则是边看稿边进行口头翻译,要尽量做到意思准确、用词贴切。视译训练中最大的问题就是中英文句子结构差异悬殊,用英文的句子结构翻译中文必然会显得不伦不类,因此就必须在平时多加训练,掌握好视译过程中中英文互换的问题。
28.2 实例详解
Exercise 1
Sight Interpreting. Read over each text and its translation provided, underline the difficult words and expressions and make appropriate discourse markers in the original text, then interpret the whole text while listening.
Text 1.1
Remarks by the British Minister of Tourism at the Launch of ADS
英国旅游大臣在英中旅游目的地国计划启动仪式上的讲话It is a great pleasure to welcome you all here today to celebrate the launch of the Approved Destination Status scheme between China and the UK. Welcoming the first official group of Chinese tourists to the UK is such an important occasion, I even managed to arrange for a banner to hang from Tower Bridge to mark the event!//
【解析】the Approved Destination Status scheme即标题的ADS,表示“旅游目的地国计划”。Tower Bridge指“伦敦塔桥”。本文为视译内容,译员可根据原文,做一定的适度超前翻译。
On 24 July the first group of tourists from China will travel to Britain under the ADS scheme. This occasion is the result of much hard work and close cooperation between our two governments. The ADS agreement facilitates group tourism from China to the UK, strengthening ties between our two countries. T oday I am delighted to announce that our joint preparations are complete and the agreement comes into effect.//
【解析】译员可根据原文调整部分语序,如状语从句的位置,但同时也应注意表达的简洁,以节省时间。如the first group of tourists可处理为“首发团”。come into effect 表示“开始生效;开始实施”。
And this is a particularly exciting time for visitors to the UK. Britons around the world were overjoyed to learn that London had won its bid to host the 2012 Olympics. London is a winning city: not only is it the historical capital of Britain, but it is also the modern cultural, entertainment and business centre of the country.// 【译文】对于要到英国旅游的游客来说,这是一个特别令人兴奋的时刻。世界各地的英国人听到伦敦赢得2012年奥运会主办权时都欣喜若狂。伦敦是一座诱人的城市:不仅因为它是具有历史意义的英国首都,还因为它是英国现代文化、娱乐和商业的中心。// 【解析】本文虽为视译,但译员仍应注意顺句驱动,不要太过超前,如本段的后置修饰成分较多,译员应尽量顺句驱动,可适当地增译连接词,
London’s famous landmarks, will form a breathtaking backdrop to the Games in 2012, complemented by brand new facilities in the new Olympic Park, including the Olympic Stadium and the Aquatics Centre.//
【解析】本段可顺句驱动,但对于部分成分,可按句意调整语序。“to the Games in 2012, complemented by”则可处理为“此外还有;再加上”,与上文句意连贯即可。Aquatics Centre指“水上运动中心”。
It is this blend of old and new, ancient and modern, that makes Britain such a unique tourist destination. I stand here today in front of two of Britain’s most famous landmarks—Tower Bridge and Big Ben; but Britain today is more than just its rich heritage.//
【解析】本段顺句驱动即可,只需根据句意,将后置的修饰部分作出调整,如“of old and new, ancient and modern”。
Visitors to the UK can go shopping among the bustling diversity of London or Newcastle, view the capital from the London Eye, catch a football match in Manchester, learn about the environment at Cornwall’s Eden project, or enjoy a leisurely game of golf in the highlands of Scotland.//
【解析】本段的后置地点状语成分较多,译员应适时地作出调整,此外,对于英国的文化译员应做好译前准备,以顺利地产出译文。Cornwall指“康沃尔郡”。Eden project指“伊甸园工程”。
In this respect China and the UK share much in common. Both of our countries have long, rich histories. Both of our countries are renowned for their ancient traditions and culture. But both Britain and China today are also dynamic, modern world economies, working together to promote even closer political, cultural and trade ties.//
【译文】从这个方面来说,中国和英国在许多方面具有共同点。我们两个国家都拥有悠久的历史。我们两个国家都因为古老的传统和文化而闻名。但今日的英国和中国也都是充满活力的当代世界经济大国,并且相互密切合作,加深两国之间的政治、文化和商贸往来。// 【解析】本段句意顺畅,逻辑结构清晰,因此,译员顺句驱动即可。
Both of our countries are home to many cultures and many languages. London alone is home to 200 different nationalities, and over 300 languages are spoken there. This is part of what makes Britain such a diverse and exciting country, and what makes every visitor feel welcome.//
