抱歉,好象发不上去,只能贴这了…… 重要的词汇: 语言类: 音节syllable 字母alphabet 语言中的歧异现象ambiguity 发音pronunciation 广东话Cantonese 元音vowel 辅音consonant 声调tone 声调语言tone language 韵律rhyme 押韵(v)rhyme 节奏rhythm 语调intonation 语音speech of sound 词汇lexicon 语法grammar 构词法word-building/-formation 形态变化morphological change 语素morpheme 声带vocal cords 发音器官organs of speech 呼吸器官respiratory organs 音标phonetic alphabet 汉语拼音 Chinese Phonetic Alphabet 音位phoneme 属性attribute 发音articulation 甲骨文oracle bone inscriptions 笔画stroke 部首character component 表意文字ideograph 象形文字pictograph 实词notional word 名词noun 动词verb 形容词adjective 副词adverb 代词pronoun 虚词function word 连词conjunction 语气词mood word 介词preposition 叹词interjection 助词auxiliary word 情态动词modal verb 主语subject 宾语object 定语attribute 补语complement 谓语predicate 表语predicative 状语adverbial 修饰语modifier 同义词synonym 反义词antonym 词组word group 时态tense 专有名词proper noun 专业术语register 语境context 词尾ending 后缀suffix 前缀infix 本义original meaning 基本义basic meaning 引申义extended meaning 成语set phrase / idiom 方言dialect 句法学Syntax 语义学Semantics 语用学Pragmatics 应用语言学Applied linguistics 任意性arbitrary / arbitrariness 能产性productivity 二重性duality 移位性displacement 创造性creativity 软腭soft palate 硬腭hard palate 齿龈teeth ridge 气流air stream 重音stress 注音(v)annotate 词根root 词干stem 词序word order 索绪尔Saussure Course in General Linguistics 言语活动language 言语parole 语言langue 语言能力competence 言语行为performance 洪堡德 (Karl Wilhelm von Humboldt) 孤立语isolating language 黏着语agglutinative language 屈折语inflectional language 施来赫尔(A Schleicher) 葆朴(F Bopp) 格林兄弟 (Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm) 民俗学folklore 字character 词word 句子sentence 注释note 练习exercise 作业assignment 书写规则the rule of writing 短文passage 语速speech tempo 课件courseware 教学目标teaching objective 教学步骤teaching procedure 分班考试placement test 中介语interlanguage 对比分析contrastive analysis 偏误分析Error analysis 正迁移positive transfer 负迁移negative transfer 语言习得Language Acquisition 目的语Target Language 第二语言Second Language 结构主义Structuralism 行为主义Behaviorism 言语行为理论 speech act theory 会话原则 principle of conversation 会话含义 conversational implication utterance meaning 准则maxim 意义扩大widening of meaning 意义缩小narrowing of meaning 意义改变meaning shift 语言习得装置LAD Language acquisition device 文学类 创作方法method of creation 基本特征essential features 世界观world outlook 文学风格literary style 思想感情emotional feeling 现实主义Realism 浪漫主义Romanticism 古典主义Classicism 文学鉴赏literary appreciation appreciation of literature 文学批评literary criticism 文学理论literary theory 文学流派schools of literature 语言艺术linguistic arts 文学作品literary works 叙事诗narrative poetry 抒情诗lyric poetry 杂文essay 小说fiction 长篇小说novel 中篇小说medium-length novel 短篇小说short story 诗歌poetry 散文prose 戏剧drama 悲剧tragedy 喜剧comedy 正剧(严肃剧)solemn drama 话剧stage play 文学剧本literary script 蒙太奇montage 当代文学contemporary 文化遗产literary heritage 出版publication 调节regulation 知识分子intellectual 学历educational background 定义definition 对应的corresponding 创新意识 creative consciousness 文学界literary circle 文学潮流literary trend 个人价值individual value 文艺复兴Renaissance 启蒙运动Enlightenment 人本主义humanism 英雄主义heroism 生命意识sense of life 文学成就literary achievement 传说legend 想象力imagination 人权human right 文学彩literary flavor 表现手法 technique of expression 超自然的力量 supernatural power 史诗epic 坚强的意志strong will 基调keynote 历史剧historical play 情节plot 时间time 地点site 主题theme 鲜明的形象distinctive image 性格character 特征characteristic 美学价值aesthetic value 夸张exaggeration 对比contrast 民间文学folk literature 社会地位social status 汉学Sinology 宗教信仰religion 崇拜worship 道教Taoism 孔子Confucius 儒家的Confucian 迷信superstition 神话mythology 皇帝emperor 黄帝Yellow Emperor 等级制度hierarchy 禁忌taboo 孝顺filial duty 编年史annals 断代史dynastic history 朝代dynasty 片名title 原著original version 对白dialogue 字幕subtitle 镜头take 片段clip 画面picture 专业speciality / major 书法calligraphy 押韵(v)be in rhyme 范畴category Analytical thinking 四大名著Four Classis 〈水浒传〉 Outlaws of the Marsh 〈红楼梦〉 The Dream of Red Chamber 〈三国演义〉 Three Kingdoms 〈西游记〉 The Journey the West 元曲〈赵氏孤儿〉 Zhao’s Orphan 〈中国孤儿〉伏尔泰 Chinese Orphan 〈论语〉 The Analects of Confucius 〈诗经〉The Book of Songs 〈孟子〉Mencius 唐传奇Tales of marvel 康德Kant 马克思Marx 恩格斯Engels 歌德Goethe (浮士德Faust ) 贝多芬Beethoven 海顿Hayden 舒曼Schumann 黑格尔Hegel | |