1. 在冬日的天空下,小山了无生气。
The hills stood stark against the winter sky.
2. 房子建在可俯视河流的小山坡上。
The house is built on the side of a hill overlooking the river.
3. 这些小山被笼罩在薄雾之中。
The hills were shrouded in mist.
4. 那所房子孤零零地立在一座小山顶上。
The house stands alone on top of a small hill.
5. 这个小镇偎依在小山脚下。
The little town nestles snugly at the foot of the hill.
6. 一只鹰在小山的上空翱翔。
A hawk hovered over the hill.
7. 我们在一座小山上,正好位于城镇边缘。
We were on a hill, right on the edge of town.
8. 我们回到家,去后院的小山丘上滑雪橇。
We got home and went sledding on the small hill in our back garden.
9. 我们的旅馆位于可俯瞰湖水的小山坡上。
Our hotel was on the hillside overlooking the lake.
10. 小山那边有一个旧农场。
There's an old farm over yon hill.
11. 往上延伸至后面小山的是800英亩的草木区。
Rising into the hills behind are 800 acres of parkland.
12. 我开车越过小山去德尔诺特的那天下大雨又刮大风。
It was very wet and windy the day I drove over the hill to Del Norte.
13. 我跑下小山,火鸡也跟着跑。
I ran down the hill, and the turkeys ran too.
14. 那边有两座绿油油的小山丘。
There are two green hills over there.
gassy15. 我们的村庄在两座小山之间。
Our village is between two hills.
16. 从前有一位住在小山上的聪明老太太。
There was once a wise old lady who lived on a hill.
17. 小溪在小山脚下并入大江。
The stream joins the big river at the foot of a hill.
18. 公园在俯瞰城市的小山上。
The park is on a hill overlooking the town.
19. 它在一座小山上,离村子大约一英里半。
It was on a hill, about a mile and a half from the village.
20. 他们到了一座漂亮的小山,搭起了帐篷。
They found a nice hill and put up their tent.
21. 两只企鹅在小山坡上玩。
Two little penguins are playing on a hill.
22. 他们站在小山之巅,饱览这花园城市的美景。
They stood on top of the hill, drinking in the beauty of the garden city.
23. 小孩滚下这座小山丘。
The child rolled down the hill.
24. 他们到达了一座小山。
They reached a hill.
25. 石油储藏在当地一个充满瓦斯气体的小山下面。
There were oil deposits below a local gassy hill.
26. 房子建在小山丘上。
Houses were built on small hills.
27. 咱们去鬼屋河岸对面小山上那棵枯树那儿挖,怎么样?
S'pose we tackle that old dead-limb tree on the hill t'other side of Still-House branch?
28. 教堂建在一座小山顶上。
The church was built at the top of a small rise.
29. 她穿着一件腰部束带的棕小山羊皮外套。
She wore a brown suede jacket, belted at the waist.
30. 他们去小山上散步了。
They went for a walk up the koppie.