    Acute Cholecystitis Medical Record.
    Patient Information:
    Name: [Patient's Name]
    Age: [Patient's Age]
    Gender: [Patient's Gender]
    Date of Admission: [Date of Admission]
    Date of Discharge: [Date of Discharge]
    Chief Complaint:
    The patient presented with severe right upper quadrant abdominal pain, radiating to the back, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
    History of Present Illness:
    The patient experienced the onset of abdominal pain three days ago. The pain was initially mild but gradually worsened over time. The patient also reported loss of appetite and low-grade fever. The pain became excruciating and prompted the patient to seek medical attention.
    Past Medical History:
    The patient has a history of gallstones and has experienced intermittent episodes of biliary colic in the past.
    Physical Examination:
    On examination, the patient appeared in distress and had tenderness in the right upper q
uadrant of the abdomen. Murphy's sign was positive. Vital signs were within normal limits except for a slightly elevated body temperature.
    Laboratory Findings:
    Complete blood count showed leukocytosis with a left shift.
    Liver function tests revealed mildly elevated liver enzymes.
    Serum amylase and lipase levels were within normal limits.
    Imaging Studies:
    Abdominal ultrasound demonstrated gallbladder wall thickening, pericholecystic fluid, and gallstones. No evidence of common bile duct dilation was noted.
    Based on the clinical presentation, physical examination findings, laboratory results, and imaging studies, the patient was diagnosed with acute cholecystitis.
