    Step 1: Establish Planning Committee.
    Form a committee of dedicated individuals to plan and execute the event. Identify roles and responsibilities, such as chair, budget manager, and event coordinator.
    Step 2: Set Goals and Objectives.
    Define the purpose of the event and establish specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives. Determine the desired outcomes and impact of the event.
    Step 3: Determine Budget and Timeline.
    Estimate the expenses associated with the event, including venue rental, entertainment, and marketing. Create a realistic timeline for planning and execution, allowing ample time for
each task.
    Step 4: Choose Venue and Date.
    Select a venue that accommodates the anticipated number of attendees and provides the desired ambiance. Determine the optimal date and time for the event, considering factors such as school calendar and availability of performers.
    Step 5: Book Entertainment.
    Identify and contract performers who align with the event's theme and objectives. Secure musicians, dancers, and any other acts that will contribute to the entertainment value.
    Step 6: Plan Logistics.
    Coordinate details such as seating arrangements, stage setup, lighting, sound, and transportation. Ensure accessibility for all attendees and plan for potential contingencies.
    Step 7: Create Marketing and Promotion Materials.
    Design and distribute posters, flyers, and online advertisements to promote the event. Utilize social media and email to engage potential attendees and build anticipation.
    Step 8: Sell Tickets and Manage Registration.
    Establish a ticketing system and process for guests to purchase tickets and register for the event. Provide clear instructions and communicate deadlines.
    Step 9: Rehearse and Finalize Details.
    Conduct dress rehearsals and technical run-throughs to ensure a smooth and polished performance. Finalize all logistics, such as stage directions and lighting cues.
    Step 10: Execute and Evaluate.
    Execute the event according to the plan and monitor its progress. Evaluate the event's success based on predefined objectives and collect feedback from attendees. Identify areas for improvement for future events.
