Score | Accuracy & Range | Size & Discourse Management | Flexibility & Appropriacy |
10 | -Basically correct use of grammatical and lexical items. -Adequate vocabulary and a fair range of grammatical structures for the given task. -Fairly good pronunciation though some residual accent is acceptable. | - The ability to produce extended and fairly coherent discourse concerning the given task, though with occasional pauses due to loss of words. | -Natural and active participation in the discussion. -Use of language generally appropriate to context, function and intention |
8 | -Errors in the use grammatical/lexical items that do not seriously interfere with communication are permissible. -A basically satisfactory range of vocabulary to deal with the given task. -Acceptable pronunciation. | -Manifestation of ability to produce coherent and more complex utterances, though most contributions are short. direction发音-Frequent pauses while organizing thoughts and searching for words, which sometimes interfere with communication. | -Frequent contribution to the discussion but sometimes not to the point or without directly interacting with other participants. -Use of language basically appropriate to context, function and intention |
6 | -The use of grammatic al/lexic al items may be incorrect and sometimes impede communication. -A minimum range of vocabulary and grammatical structures to cope with the given task. -Pronunciation may be faulty and sometimes impede communication. | -Mainly short utterances. -Long and frequent pauses while organizing thoughts and searching for words, which often interfere with communication, though basically fulfilling the given task. | - Less active participation in the discussion, and occasional inability to adapt to new topics or changes of direction. |
4 | -Unintelligibility caused by grammatical/lexical errors. -Insufficient grammatical/lexical items to cope with the given task. -Poor pronunciation that causes breakdowns in communication. | - Short utterances and disconnected speech, which is difficult to follow, making communication almost impossible. | - Inability to take part in group discussion. |
分档 | 语言准确性和范围 | 话语的长短和连贯性 | 语言灵活性和适切性 |
10 | -语法和词汇基本正确 -表达过程中词汇丰富、语法结构较为复杂 -发音较好,但允许有一些不影响理解的母语 口音 | -在讨论有关话题时能进行较长时间 的、语言连贯的发言,但允许由于 无法到合适的词语而造成的偶尔 停顿。 | -能够自然、积极地参与讨论 -语言的使用总体上能与语境、功能 和目的相适应 |
8 | - 语法和词汇有一些错误,但未严重影响交际 -表达过程中词汇较丰富. -发音尚可 | -能进行较连贯的发言,但多数发言 较简短 - 组织思想和搜寻词语时频繁出现停 顿,有时会影响交际 | -能够较积极地参与讨论,但有时内 容不切题或未能与小组成员直接 交流 -语言的使用基本上能与语境、功能 和目的相适应 |
6 | - 语法和词汇有错误,且有时会影响交际 -表达过程中词汇不丰富,语法结构较简单 -发音有缺陷,有时会影响父际 | -发言简短 -组织思想和搜寻词语时频繁出现较 长时间的停顿,影响交际、但能够 基本完成交际任务 | - 不能积极参与讨论,有时无法适应 新话题或讨论内容的改变 |
4 | -语法和词汇有较多错误,以致妨碍理解 - 表达过程中因缺乏词汇和语法结构而影响交 际 -发音较差,以致交际时常中断 | -发言简短且毫无连贯性,几乎无法 进行交际 | - 不能参与小组讨论 |
等级 | 等级描述 |
A+ (14.5 - 15 分) A (13.5 - 14.4 分) | 能英语就熟悉的题材进行口头交际,基本上没有困难。 |
B+ (12.5 - 13.4 分) B (11 — 12.4 分) | 能用英语就熟悉的题材进行口头交际,虽有些困难,但不影响交际。 |
C+ (9.5 - 10.9 分) C (8 — 9.4 分) | 能用英语就熟悉的题材进行口头交际,虽有困难,但不影响交际。 |
D (7.9分以下) | 尚不具有英语口头交际能力。 |