名词短语中 (做定语)
He is a busy man.  忙人的特质
The man is busy today. 叙述今天忙,没空。
a shoe factory
a clothes store
a sports car
Their daily routines  (day)
符合 限定词+ 形容词+ 名词 
补充:后置形容词 something important  people alive
系动词有: be动词(1)变化系动词:become(变得)、get(成为)、grow(逐渐变得)、turn(变,变为)、go(变为);
主语+ 系动词+ 补语(形容词)
It is wonderful. (wonder)
But that’s how nature is—always leaving us astonished. (astonish)
感官动词: feel, smell, watch, notice,observe, see, look at, catch, find, spot, listen to, hear etc.profit的形容词
含使动意义的动词,如:let, have, get, make, leave, keep.
They have made me chairman. (宾补)
They have made me a nice chair. (双宾)
(1) 表示相等:as + 原级+as
(2) 表示不如:not as/ so +原级+as
(3) 比较级+than
(4) 表示“最”:the+最高级+ of/in短语(表示比较的范围)
注意:除了 “the+最高级”外,最高级还有其他的表达方式。如:否定词never等与比较级连用;比较级+than any other+名词单数;比较级+than any of the other+名词复数;比较级+than anyone else等。如:
How beautifully she sings! I have never heard a better voice.她唱得多好听呀!我从没听过比这更好的声音。
(5) 表示“越……越……”:the+比较级,the+比较级
(6) 表示“越来越”:比较级+and+比较级
(7) A +be+倍数+计量形容词比较级+than B
The car is exactly five times more expensive than that one.这辆车比那本恰好贵5倍。
直接加-ly quick- quickly
以辅音字母加y结尾的变y为i再加-ly easy- easily
以le结尾的去e加y  possible- possibly
1.Running is cheap, easy and it’s always_________ (energy).
2.It’s _________ (wonder).
3.They were much stronger than modern humans, but it’s long been assumed that human ancestors were_________(smart)than the Neanderthals.
4.This is_________ (particular)true in the US. The second reason is that people are living longer.
5.Oliver says if you’re_________ (luck) enough to have someone close to you who enjoys cooking, ask them if you can join in when it’s possible.
6.(Sam walked her to a nearby convenience store so that she could __________(safe)wait for the police to take her home.
7.“As a main promoter of the International Tea Day, the birthplace of tea and the _________ (large) tea-producing country, China has a responsibility to work with other countries to promote the healthy development of the tea industry.
8.(2022全国甲卷)and in 2016, he reached the top of Kilimanjaro, Africa’s _________ (high) mountain.
9.The GPNP’s main goal is to improve connectivity between separate populations and homes of giant pandas, and _________ (eventual)achieve a desired level of population in the wild.
10.Cao believes this will make the hiking trip even more _________ (meaning).
11.When visiting China, many travellers expect to have close contact with the giant panda, one of the most adorable creatures in the world. Actually, no other country can provide such a ________ (wonder) chance like China, as the giant panda is native ________China and thus serves as China's national symbol.
12.The GPNP’s main goal is to improve connectivity between separate ______ (population)and homes of giant pandas, and ______ (eventual)achieve a desired level of population in the wild.
13.As a main promoter of the International Tea Day, the birthplace of tea and the ______(large)tea-producing country, China has a ______ (responsible)to work with other countries to promote the healthy development of the tea industry.
