1. We all feel it is Jack as well as his wife that ________ for their son’s bad behaviour at school.
A. are to blame                  B. is to be blamed   
C. are to be blamed                  D. is to blame
2. —We’d like a double room, please.
—I’m sorry, but all but two single rooms with sea view ________.
A. have been reserved            B. has been reserved   
C. were reserved                D. has reserved
3. So far a series of problems ________ brought about by this decision.
A. have                        B. has 
C. have been                      D. has been
4. The sheep farmer used their dog to ________ the cattle that ________ eating the grass here and there.
A. drive up; was                  B. pick up; were   
C. round up; was                  D. round up; were
5. WHO, together with the medical workers in the different parts of the world, ________ trying to find a way to prevent the disease H1N1 from ________.
A. is; spreading                B. are; spreading     
C. are; spread                  D. is; spread
6. The number of children who have lost both parents to Aids ________ to rise, reaching more than 26 million in 2019.
A. are expected                  B. expect   
C. is expected                  D. expects
It was a cool October evening. Excitement and family members __1__the hall. I was only a 7­year­old girl,but I was the center of __2__. Finally,after weeks of preparation,I would __3__all my hard work in a dance performance. Everything would be __4__— so I thought. I waited backstage all __5__in my black tights with a golden belt. In a loud and clear voice,the master of ceremonies__6__that my class was next.
My dance class was doing a routine on wooden boxes two feet by two feet,facing the__7__. All I had to do in the next move was put one foot on the box next to mine and keep my other foot on my box. It really was an__8__move.I was concentrating so much on__9__the huge smile on my face and holding my head up that I did not look__10__I was going.I missed my partner’s box altogether and__11__. There I was standing on the stage f
loor when my classmates were on top of their boxes. I could hear giggles(咯咯笑) coming from the audience,and I felt the __12__rush to my face. I remembered my dance teacher had told us,If you make a mistake,keep smiling so the audience will not __13__. I did my best to follow her__14__as I continued with the routine.
When the curtain dropped,so did my__15__for the evening. I__16__bitterly,tasting the salt from the tears that streamed down my face. I ran backstage,but no one could __17__me down.
Recently I realized I had been a__18__that night. I was__19__,but I fought the urge to run off the stage. __20__,I finished the routine with a smile on my face. Now when friends and family laugh about the time I slipped during a dance performance,I can laugh too.
1. A. filled    B. visited    C. attended    D. decorated
2. A. pressure    B. impression    C. debate    D. attention
3. A. take over    B. show off    C. look after        D. give up   
4. A. reasonable    B. suitable    C. obvious    D. perfect
5. A. dressed up    B. folded up    C. covered up        D. mixed up   
6. A. suggested    B. explained    C. announced    D. predicted
7. A. music    B. audience    C. curtain    D. stage
8. A. easy    B. active    C. adventurous    D. extra
9. A. containing    B. hiding    C. sharing    D. keeping
10. A. why    B. whether    C. where    D. what
11. A. wandered    B. slipped    C. waved    D. skipped
12. A. blood    B. pleasure    C. pride    D. tear
13. A. leave    B. cheer    C. believe    D. notice
14. A. gesture    B. example    C. advice    D. plan
15. A. doubts    B. hopes    C. voice    D. patience
16. A. argued    B. shouted    C. begged    D. sobbed       
17. A. turn    B. calm    C. let    D. put
18. A. star    B. pioneer    C. loser    D. fool
19. A. satisfied    B. moved    C. embarrassed    D. confused   
20. A. fine是什么意思However    B. Instead    C. In total    D. In return       
I was going to the store one cold evening and as I was approaching the store there   1  a man in the front of the store. He looked at me and said really loud “Hi”. 
I replied, “Hi, how are you?” He said “I am fine.” and then he looked at me as if he recognized me and asked, “  2  is your mother?”
Of course, I didn’t know what to say to that question   3  my mother had been   4  (die) for several years. I found this really strange so I finally said, “She is fine, thank you and how are you?”
He also said he was fine. I then answered, “Good. Can I do to help you at all?” All he said   6  I really could use a hug.  I   7  (hug) him for a while this poor soul and a stranger. I said, “Where are you staying? Do you a ride?” He said, “No, I have my bike. I am living at the Church down the street.” I answered, “Let me give you something. It’s not much, but that is all I   9  afford.” So I took out $10 from my purse and gave it to him then went home. To tell you the truth, I always feel helping others   10  really great.
1. D  it is Jack as well as his wife that ________ for their son’s bad behaviour at school是强
调句,其中Jack as well as his wife是被强调部分且作主语,由as well as连接的并列主语,谓语动词的单复数由其前面的主语即Jack决定,所以谓语为单数形式;此外,be to blame是固定短语,意为“应受责备”,故选D 。
