最近在追<Drop Dead Diva>~每次听到“objection,your honour”都有感。。前几天记的Custody死活都不记得什么意思了。。拼也拼不来~ 所以为了威武,特意上网搜了一些法庭英语~ 英语。。。我要把你拿下。。
Oyez! Oyez! Oyez! All persons having business before the Honorable, the Supreme Court of the United States, are admonished to draw near and give their attention, for the Court is now sitting. God save the United States and this Honorable Court!
2、May it please the court
在美国法院,尤其是高级的法院,律师在陈述前一般都会来这么一句May it please the court…,意思是“庭上,请允许我……”以显示对于法庭的尊敬。
3、Your Honour
Your honour原意是“阁下”“大人”的意思,更多的是我们听见律师们在法庭上对于法官的尊称,即“尊敬的法官大人”。而对于在平时,更多的是直接称呼为Judge,在老美的各种法庭剧中,最常听见的一句就是律师高喊Objection, your honour了。在英国,在法庭上称呼法官则是My Lord。
Contempt of Court——蔑视法庭、蔑视法庭
  A finding that someone disobeyed a court order. Can also mean disrupting court, for example, by being loud or disrespectful in court.
  A finding of contempt of court may result from a failure to obey a lawful order of a court, showing disrespect for the judge, disruption of the proceedings through poor behavior, or publication of material deemed likely to jeopardize a fair trial. A judge may impose sanctions such as a fine or jail for someone found guilty of contempt of court. Typically judges in common law systems have more extensive power to declare someone in contempt than judges in civil law systems.
  In English law (a common law jurisdiction) the law on contempt is partly set out in case law, and partly specified in the Contempt of Court Act 1981. Contempt may be a criminal or civil offence.
defendant  【注】藐视法庭,是一种严重的罪行,可以被判或监禁。藐视法庭包括不遵守法庭命令、违反对法庭作出的承诺,妨碍司法公正等行为。
Contributory Negligence——分担责任、过失责任
  Contributory negligence, is a common law defence to a claim or action in tort. It applies to a situation where a plaintiff or claimant has, through their own negligence, caused or contributed to the injury they suffered from a tort. For example where a pedestrian crosses a road carelessly and is hit by a driver who is also driving carelessly.
  【注】 意外中的伤者对意外的造成及他自己的受伤程度,需要分担部份疏忽的责任,他所获得的赔偿
  The adjournment or postponement of a court case to another day.
  【注】 即暂时中止一案件的审理,并择日再审。
  An intangible right granted by statute to the author or originator of certain literary or artistic productions, whereby, for a limited period, the exclusive privilege is given to the person to make copies of the same for publication and sale.
  Counter Claim——反诉、反要求、反索赔
  A claim by the defendant in a civil action that the defendant is entitled to damages or other relief from the plaintiff.
  【注】 在民事诉讼中,被告可以对原告提出赔偿等反要求。
 Court-Appointed Attorney:——法庭指定律师、法庭指定辩护律师
  An attorney who is asked by the court (judge) to either represent a party to the case, or to serve in some other capacity that the case requires.
  【注】 法庭指定律师,指的是由法庭指定的以代某一案件的当事人进行辩护的律师。
  Court Interpreter——庭审口译员
  The person who translates court hearings from English to another language. Provided at state expense in all criminal cases and in cases enforcing child support orders, if requested. No interpreter is available for divorce or any other civil case.
  『笺』 有史记载的法庭口译最早可以追溯到十七世纪在南非的殖民时期(Moeketsi, 1999; Mikkelson,2000)。Colin Morris (1996)比较详细地记录了1682年和182
  美国联邦法院于1978年制订了《庭审口译员法案》(Court Interpreters Act of 1978),要求法庭口译员必须完整准确、一字不差地(verbatim)翻译源语信息,不得修饰和省略源语信息,不得更改源话语的语体和语域。该法案为联邦地方法院在美国作为原告时的民事和刑事诉讼中使用庭审口译服务提供了依据,也为颁发庭审口译员证书提供了依据,标志着美国议会对庭审口译这一专业性很的职业的认可。从此,法庭口译成为一个独立的职业,专门为英语水平较差者提供语言服务。该法案规定的两类服务对象是:只会说或主要说除英语以外的其他语言的,以及有听力障碍的。
  Questioning by a party or the attorney of an adverse party or a witness.
  To question thoroughly and relentlessly to verify facts: interrogate. Informal grill. Idioms: give someone the third degree.
  A court order deciding where a child will live and how decisions about the child will be made. Parents may ask for any custody arrangement that they believe is in the best interest of their child.
  【注】 一般而言,Custody这个名词是指对象的保管或拥有,而在刑事案件中,则指对被告的拘留。Custody of Children 是指对未成年子女的监护权。
  Money a party receives as compensation for a legal wrong.
  【注】 所谓损害赔偿金,指的是一方当事人因受到侵害而收到的一笔钱。例如:The court awarded the victim of the industrial accident one hundred thousand dollars in damages. (法庭判给劳动事故中受害者100,000美元的赔偿金。)
  『笺』 惩罚性赔偿(punitive damages),一般是指由法庭作出的赔偿数额超出了实际损害的赔偿,
因此也被称为惩戒性赔偿(exemplary damages)或报复性赔偿(vindictive damages)。在《牛津法律大词典
》中,punitive damages,exemplary damages,vindictive damages,是同义词,系一个术语,有时用来指判定的损害赔偿金,它不仅是对原告的补偿,而且也是对故意加害人的惩罚。
  另外还有附带性赔偿(incidental damages) 、专门损害赔偿(special damages)等词。
Date rape——约会 暴、约会时发生的 奸案
  forcible sexual intercourse by a male acquaintance of a woman, during a voluntary social engagement in which the woman did not intend to submit to the sexual advances and resisted the acts by verbal refusals, denials or pleas to stop, and/or physical resistance. The fact that the parties knew each other or that the woman willingly accompanied the man are not legal defenses to a charge of rape, although one Pennsylvania decision ruled that there had to be some actual physical resistance.
  【注】 被迫的性交行为如果发生在约会的时候,就称之为“约会 暴”,这同陌生人所犯的 暴行为一样罪恶。Date rape(约会暴)是熟识者 暴(acquaintance rape)之一种,它比性骚扰(sexual harassment)的程度更加严重,但又和奸不同。
  Day in court——出庭日
  popular term for everyone’’s opportunity to bring a lawsuit or use the court system if he/she thinks he/she has a gripe which can be resolved in court. Example: “John finally got his day in court to protest his speeding ticket.”
  【注】 一个人出庭申诉或辩护的日子。
  One who owes a debt or the performance of an obligation to another, who is called the creditor(债权人); one who may be compelled to pay a claim or demand; anyone liable on a claim, whether due or to become due.
  【注】 debtor(债务人),即债的关系中有义务按约定的条件向另一方(债权人)承担为或不为一定行为的当事人。在债的关系中,债务人是特定的,只有该义务主体才必须向债权人承担交付财产、提供劳务和为或不为一定行为的义务。债务人可以是公民,可以是法人,国家作为民事主体出现时也可以具备债务人的资格。
  A judgment of a court that announces the legal consequences of the facts found in a case and orders that the court’’s decision be carried out.
  Decree is sometimes used interchangeably with determination and order.
  法庭聆讯后所作出的判令,可以分成暂时性判令“decree nisi””和永久性判令 “decree absolute”,常见于离婚呈请的程序。一般而言,法庭颁出decree nisi后,在指定的期限过后,除非收到反对,否则都会颁出永久判令。
