Delay of Investigation Application.
[Your Name], the defendant in the above-captioned case, hereby applies to the Court for an order delaying the investigation in this case.
I. Legal Grounds.
Pursuant to [statute or rule], the Court has the authority to delay an investigation for good cause shown. Good cause exists in this case because:
[State reasons for the delay, such as: the need to gather additional evidence, conduct further interviews, or retain an expert witness.]
defendant II. Hardship or Prejudice.
If the investigation is not delayed, the defendant will suffer hardship or prejudice because:
[State how the defendant would be prejudiced, such as: the loss of exculpatory evidence, the inability to prepare an adequate defense, or the violation of the defendant's due process rights.]
III. Likelihood of Success.
The defendant believes that he/she has a meritorious defense to the charges in this case and that the delay will allow for a more thorough and just investigation.
IV. Absence of Bad Faith.
The defendant is not requesting this delay for purposes of obstruction or delay, but rather to ensure a fair and impartial investigation.
V. Reasonable Time.
The defendant requests that the investigation be delayed for a period of [number of days/weeks/months] days. This is a reasonable amount of time to allow for the completion of the additional investigation.
VI. Balancing of Interests.
The defendant recognizes that the prosecution has an interest in a timely investigation. However, the defendant's right to a fair trial and the need to ensure a thorough investigation outweigh the prosecution's interest in a speedy investigation.