    Motion to Add Third Party and Amend Complaint.
    I. Introduction.
    The Plaintiff, [Plaintiff's Name], hereby moves this Court for an order pursuant to [cite applicable rule] to add [Third Party's Name] as a third-party defendant and to amend its Complaint accordingly.
    II. Factual and Procedural Background.
    [Provide a brief summary of the underlying action and the relevant facts.]
    III. Legal Argument.
    A. Addition of Third Party.
    1. The proposed third-party defendant, [Third Party's Name], is liable to the Plaintiff for all or part of the Plaintiff's claim against the Defendant.
    2. The third-party claim arises out of the same transaction or occurrence that is the subject matter of the Plaintiff's claim against the Defendant.
    3. Joinder of the third party is necessary for the complete adjudication of the controversy between the Plaintiff and the Defendant.
    B. Amendment of Complaint.
    1. The proposed amendment to the Complaint clarifies the claims against the Defendant and adds a claim against the third-party defendant.
    2. The amendment does not prejudice the Defendant in any way.
    3. The amendment is necessary to ensure that the Plaintiff receives full relief for its injuries.
    IV. Request for Relief.
defendant    WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff respectfully requests that this Court:
    1. Grant leave to add [Third Party's Name] as a third-party defendant;
    2. Allow the Plaintiff to amend its Complaint to add a claim against the third-party defendant; and.
    3. Grant such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and equitable.
    A. 追加第三人。
    1. 提出的第三人被告 [第三人姓名] 对原告针对被告的索赔承担全部或部分责任。
    2. 第三人诉讼请求源于与原告对被告索赔标的物相同的交易或事件。
    3. 为了对原告和被告之间的争议进行全面裁决,必须加入第三人。
    B. 修改诉讼状。
    1. 对诉讼状的拟议修改澄清了对被告的要求,并增加了对第三人被告的要求。
    2. 修改不会以任何方式损害被告的利益。
    3. 修改对于确保原告对其损害获得充分赔偿是必要的。
    1. 允许添加 [第三人姓名] 为第三人被告;
    2. 允许原告修改其诉讼状,以增加对第三人被告的要求;
    3. 给予法院认为公平和公正的其他进一步救济。
